
Ruellia chartacea(붉은새우풀)

대효0617 2023. 2. 19. 07:39

Pachystachys coccinea

새우풀 종류 비교




Ruellia chartacea





학명 : Ruellia chartacea (T.Anderson) Wassh.

Synonym ; Ruellia colorata Baill.

Family: Acanthaceae

Common Names : Peruvian Wild Petunia, Red Shrimp Plant 


국내유통명 : 붉은새우풀, 붉은새우초

* 국내에서 붉은새우풀로 유통되는 것에는 Pachystachys coccinea도 있다


사진 : 2023.02.03 광릉수목원








Ruellia chartacea는 포엽이 심홍색이고 꽃은 등황색이다. 화관의 후부는 황색에 가깝다.

Pachystachys coccinea는 포엽이 녹색이고 꽃은 심홍색이다




아래 : 2023.03.04 광릉수목원











The Ruellia chartacea (T. Anderson) Wassh. (1987) is native to the tropical forests of Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru.

The genus is honoured to the French physician and botanist Jean Ruel (1474 ca. 1537), author of a treatise titled “De Natura stirpium libri tres”, in which he reported all the botanical knowledge of the time; the Latin name of the species “chartacea” = chartaceous, papery, refers to the appearance of its showy bracts.


Common names: “colorama”, “lobster claw”, “fire shrimp plant”, “red shrimp plant”, “Brazilian flame tree” (English); “ruélia”, “ruélia-do-Amazonas”, “ruélia-vermelha” (Portuguese).


Evergreen shrub, tall up to 1,5-2 metres, with thin brown-grey stems and opposite elliptic, 15-18 cm long and 6-8 cm broad leaves, dark green on the superior page, and pale on the inferior one. The terminal inflorescences are formed by showy bright red bracts, long up to 9 cm, which persist for many months, in which interior do open orange-red tubular, 5-6 cm long and about 3 cm broad flowers, with a yellow throat. It easily reproduces by cutting.


Typically tropical plant due to its requirements, does not stand temperatures lower than +5°C; it likes better shady and humid locations and sub-acid or neutral soils. Cultivated in pot, it’s utilized for indoor decoration, in particular during Christmas time, when it’s blooming, as it is a short-day plant. Natives utilize the roots as anthelmintic and emetic.


Synonyms: Aphelandra chartacea T. Anderson (1864); Ruellia colorata Baill. (1890).

