
Dischidia vidalii

대효0617 2023. 3. 2. 21:41



학명 : Dischidia vidalii Becc.

분류 : Apocynaceae

Common Name : ant plant ; kangaroo pouch; Kangaroo pocket



사진 : 2023.02.15 서울식물원





이 식물은 잎이 두 가지 형태로 보통 잎은 소형으로 난형 또는 피침형이고 큰 잎은  주머니 모양이다.

이 큰 잎은 개미와 공생 관계를 이루어 물과 양분을 저장하여 개미의 서식지가 된다 







Wikipedia 설명


Dischidia vidalii, commonly known as an "ant plant" or "kangaroo pouch", is a plant in the genus Dischidia native to the Philippines.[1] D. vidalii is an epiphytic climbing plant with clusters of pink or magenta flowers.[2] Like some others in its genus like Dischidia major and in the related genus Hoya, this species has evolved a symbiotic relationship with ants. In addition to small, oval leaves the plant develops significantly larger, hollow leaves where additional roots grow and there is habitat for ants where water and debris collect that nourish the roots.[3][4]



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