

대효0617 2010. 1. 9. 08:40


해란초속 검색표 http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7807547


학명 : Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill.

분류: 현삼과(Scrophulariaceae)


학명 이명: Linaria genistifolia ssp. dalmatica (L.) Maire & Petitm.

영명: Dalmatian Toadflax or Broomleaf Toadflax


* 평강식물원에서는 '달마티아좁은잎해란초'라고 팻말을 꽃아놓았으나 우리나라 좁은잎해란초보다는 잎이 훨씬 넓어보여 '좁은잎'을 이름에 붙이는 것은 적절치 않다고 본다. 영어 이름 그대로 번역해 달마티아해란초라고 하는 것이 좋을 것이다.  


 평강식물원 식재


남부 유럽(지중해 연안)이 원산이다.










아래 : 2022.08.07 평강식물원




해란초는 잎이 짧고 윤생하며 좁은잎해란초와 달마티아해란초는 잎이 호생한다.

좁은잎해란초는 선상피침형으로 길고 좁으며 달마티아해란초는 장피침형이다  








Irregular flowers about 1½ inches long in a spike-like raceme at the top of the plant. Flowers are bright yellow with two lips, sport an orange bearded (hairy) throat and have a long spur hanging down at the base that holds nectar. They look very similar in form to the common garden shapdragon though the two species are not closely related.


Leaves and stem: Leaf attachment: alternate Leaf type: simple


Leaves are up to 2 inches long and 1½ inches wide, toothless, have a pointed tip, are broad at the base, alternately attached and mostly clasp the main stem. Leaves and stems are smooth with a waxy layer (cuticle) that gives them a bluish cast. The stems are stout and branched in the upper part of the plant.




The flowers of Dalmatian Toadflax are much like Butter and Eggs (L. vulgaris 좁은잎해란초) but the latter has very different leaveslong and very narrow. While Butter and Eggs is fairly widespread in Minnesota, Dalmatian toadflax is just showing up now. Likely originally introduced into North America by gardeners, it is now a highly problematic invasive species throughout the arid western US, spreading aggressively by both seeds and robust underground root stalks. While it should be controlled as soon as possible wherever and whenever it is found, the waxy cuticle makes it highly resistant to chemical control and its deep underground roots make hand pulling nearly worthless. Like several other species, Linaria has been moved from the Scrophulariaceae (Figwort) family to Plantaginaceae (Plantain).


Early detection is the key to preventing this from getting a real foothold. The Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture (MDA) is targeting this species, among others, and would like to take quick action against it. See the MDA Dalmatian Toadflax fact sheet for more information. If you think you see this plant somewhere in MN please either contact the MDA or post a comment below. Thank you for helping to stop this pest in its tracks!



출처 : https://www.minnesotawildflowers.info/flower/dalmatian-toadflax




우리나라에 있는 동속식물:

좁은잎해란초 Linaria vulgaris Hill   http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7807547

해란초 Linaria japonica Miq.  

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