

대효0617 2010. 2. 15. 20:22


털이슬속 종 검색표와 비교표 http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7810187



학명 : Circaea cordata Royle

분류 : 바늘꽃과 (Onagraceae)










아래: 2019.07.13. 태백산











전국 각처




산지 수림속의 습한 곳에 난다.



잎은 마주나기하고 난상 심장형 또는 넓은 달걀모양이며 밑부분이 원저 또는 얕은 심장저이고 길이 7-12cm, 5-8cm로서 가장자리에 얕은 물결모양의 톱니가 있으며 끝이 뾰족하고 엽병은 길이 3-10cm로서 길고 짧은 퍼진 털이 있다.

총상꽃차례는 원줄기 끝에 달리며 길이 7-15cm로서 샘털이 밀생하고 꽃은 7-8월에 핀다. 꽃받침조각은 2개이며 꽃잎도 2개로서 백색이고 거꿀달걀모양이며 2개로 갈라지고 수술은 2개이다.


열매는 구형이며 홈이 파지고 갈고리같은 털로 덮여 있으며 지름 3mm 정도로서 열매와 길이가 비슷한 대가 있다.


높이 40-50cm이고 가지는 없고, 전체에 긴 털과 짧은 털이 있다.


근경이 옆으로 길게 뻗는다.



FOC 설명


Circaea cordata Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 211. 1835.

露珠草 lu zhu cao

(학명 이명)

Circaea cardiophylla Makino; C. ×hybrida Handel-Mazzetti; C. kitagawae H. Hara.


Plants 20-150 cm tall, pubescent, usually densely so, with long, soft, spreading hairs, soft, falcately recurved hairs, and capitate and clavately tipped glandular hairs. Rhizomes not tuberous. Leaves narrowly to broadly ovate, 4-13 × 2.3-11 cm, base broadly cuneate to broadly rounded or truncate or more commonly cordate, margin denticulate to subentire, apex shortly acuminate. Racemes simple or branched near base, 2-20 cm; flowering pedicels ± clustered and perpendicular to axis of raceme, pubescent, with a minute setaceous bracteole at base. Buds with few to many, long, straight or slightly curved, rarely hooked, hairs. Floral tube 0.6-1 mm. Sepals reflexed in flower, white or pale green, ovate to broadly so, 2-3.7 × 1.4-2 mm, apex broadly to narrowly rounded to obtuse. Petals reflexed, white, ovate to broadly so, or depressed-obovate to broadly obovate, 1-2.4 × 1.2-3.1 mm, apex obcordate, apical notch 1/2-2/3 length of petal, petal lobes broadly rounded. Stamens spreading, shorter than to ca. as long as style; nectary wholly within floral tube and inconspicuous. Fruiting pedicel and mature fruit 4.4-7 mm. Fruit 3-3.9 × 1.8-3.3 mm, locules 2, obliquely obovoid to lenticular, abaxially flattened, base obliquely rounded or truncate to pedicel, with low, corky thickenings along margins and between locules, without prominent sulci. Seed 1 per locule. Fl. Jun-Aug, fr. Jul-Sep. 2n = 22.

(생육지와 분포)

Well-drained soils in mixed deciduous, rarely boreal, forests; near sea level to 3500 m. Anhui, Gansu, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan, Heilongjiang, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [N India, Japan, Kashmir, Korea, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia (Far East)].


"Circaea bodinieri" (H. Léveillé, Bull. Acad. Int. Geogr. Bot. 22: 224. 1912) belongs here but was a provisional name and was therefore not validly published (Vienna Code, Art. 34.1(b)).







FOC 세밀화





출처: http://www.efloras.org/object_page.aspx?object_id=94507&flora_id=2








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