

대효0617 2023. 11. 21. 22:01






학명: Pieris japonica (Thunb.) D. Don ex G. Don

분류: 잔달래과(Ericaceae)

헉명 풀이:

Pieris: Named for Pierides, a muse in Greek mythology

원산지: 일본




사진 : 2023.11.19 광릉수목원



표지판에 품종 'Japanese Anddromeda'로 안내되어 있다 










Pieris japonica (Thunberg) D. Don ex G. Don, Gen. Hist. 3: 832. 1834.

马醉木 ma zui mu

(학명 이명)

Andromeda japonica Thunberg in Murray, Syst. Veg., ed. 14, 407. 1784; Lyonia polita (W. W. Smith & Jeffrey) Chun; L. popowii (Palibin) Chun; Pieris japonica var. taiwanensis (Hayata) Kitamura; P. polita W. W. Smith & Jeffrey; P. popowii Palibin; P. taiwanensis Hayata.


Shrubs or small trees, (1)4(10) m tall. Twigs glabrous or puberulous. Leaves scattered or clustered towards shoot apices; petiole 38 mm; leaf blade oblanceolate or obovate to lanceolate-oblong, 310 × 12.5 cm, leathery, glabrous, midvein strongly raised or obscure on both surfaces, secondary and fine veins inconspicuous, base cuneate-attenuate, margin entire except for few apical teeth to 1/2 margin or crenulate except near base, apex acuminate. Inflorescences paniculate or racemose; rachis 615 cm, puberulous. Pedicel 1.56 mm. Calyx lobes triangular-ovate, 34 mm. Corolla urceolate, ca. 8 mm; lobes suborbicular. Filaments straight, 2.54.5 mm, villous. Ovary subglobose, glabrous; style slightly sunken into apex. Capsule ovoid to depressed-globose, 35 mm in diam., glabrous. Seeds spindle-shaped, 23 mm. Fl. FebMay, fr. JulOct.

(생육지와 분포)

Thickets; 8001200(1900) m. Anhui, Fujian, Hubei, Jiangxi, Taiwan, Zhejiang [Japan].




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