

대효0617 2009. 10. 30. 22:07


이전에 궁노루엉겅퀴로 올렸던 것이나 아래에 댓글을 딴 공기방울님의 말씀에 따라 종명읋 수정한다. 이 사향엉겅퀴는  몇 년 전 사진을 찍은 그 이후에는 발견할 수가 없다.  


명: Carduus nutans L.

영명: Musk thistle/ Nodding Thistle

분류: 국화과(Compositae)


사진 : 갈매수목원
















도감이나 <국생정>, <국표식>에는 실려 있지 않다. 귀화식물로 짐작된다.


아래에 http://en.wikepedia.org의 설명을 옮긴다.

The Musk thistle or Nodding thistle (Carduus nutans) is a member of the sunflower family Asteraceae. It is a biennial herb with showy red-purple flowers and sharply spiny stems and leaves. It is native to much of Europe and Asia except for the far north.


개요: 국화과 월년초. 아시아와 유럽의 북단을 제외한 많은 지역에 자생. 홍자색의 화려한 꽃과 줄기와 잎의 날카로운 가시가 특징이다.



Mature plants range in height from 1-1.5 m tall and have multi-branched stems.

The leaves are dark green, coarsely bipinnately lobed, with a smooth, waxy surface and sharp yellow-brown to whitish spines at the tips of the lobes. They are more or less hairy on top, and wooly on the veins below. [1]

The large globose flower heads, containing hundreds of tiny individual flowers, are 3-5 cm (rarely to 7 cm) diameter and occur at the tips of stems.


개요:  크기  1-1.5m까지 자라고 줄기에서 가지를 많이 친다. 잎은 얕게 우상으로 갈라지고 열편 끝에는 황갈색 내지 백색의 가시가 있다.  두상화는 구형으로 지름이 3-5cm다.


The flower heads commonly droop to a 90° to 120° angle from the stem when mature, hence its alternate name of "Nodding thistle". Each plant may produce thousands of straw-colored seeds adorned with plume-like bristles. They are 4 to 6cm across, with purple-red bracts.

The stem is cottony/hairy.

Musk thistle is usually a biennial, requiring 2 years to complete a reproductive cycle. However, it may germinate and flower in a single year in warmer climates. Seedlings may emerge at any time from spring to late summer and develop a rosette of large leaves 30-60 cm long. Plants overwinter in the rosette stage, sending up a multi-branched flowering stem in mid spring of their second year.


개요: 두상화는 성숙하면 90° - 120° 의 각도로 고개를 숙인다. 이때문에 Nodding thistle 이라고도 부른다

        겨울에는 로제트로 월동을 한다.


The number of flowerheads per plant is site-dependent and ranges from about 20-50 on good sites and 1-20 on poor sites. Flowering occurs from late spring to late summer, and seed dissemination occurs approximately one month after the flowers form. A single flower head may produce 1,200 seeds and a single plant up to 120,000 seeds, which are wind dispersed. The seeds may remain viable in the soil for over ten years, making it a difficult plant to control.

Musk thistle grows from sea level to an elevation of about 2,500 m in neutral to acidic soils. It typically grows on open disturbed soil or heavily grazed land in areas such as meadows, arable land, roadsides, building sites and similar. It spreads rapidly in areas subjected to frequent natural disturbance events such as landslides and flooding, but does not grow well in excessively wet, dry or shady conditions.


개요: 식물 한 개체당 두상화는 생육에 유리한 환경에서는 20-50개 정도까지 딸리기도 한다.   



Musk thistle was introduced into the eastern North America in the early 1800s and has a long history there as an invasive species. It has been declared  a noxious weed in many U.S. states and Canadian provinces. Some farmers spend many hours attempting to rid them from farm ground, mostly pastures. It is equally noxious to farming operations in New Zealand.




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