원예.재배식물/A-E 174

Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis(엽단선)

학명 : Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis (Willd.) A.Berger분류 : 선인장과(Cactaceae) 일어명 : ヒメウチワ(姫団扇) 또는 葉団扇중국어명 : 叶团扇영명 : Brazilian Prickley Pear국내 유통명 : 엽단선, 엽선 사진 : 2024.05.16 인천대공원 온실    영어 위키 설명 Brasiliopuntia is a genus in the cactus family, Cactaceae.[2] It contains only one species, Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis. DescriptionBrasiliopuntia brasiliensis shows thin, upright, tree-like, slightly shrunken cl..

Cordyline stricta

학명 : Cordyline stricta (Sims) Endl.분류 : Asparagaceae/(종전 백합과) Common Name : Slender Palm Lily; Narrow-leaved palm lily  사진 : 2024.04.20 서천국립생태원   위키페디아 설명 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cordyline stricta, known as the Slender Palm Lily,[6] or Narrow-leaved Palm Lily[7] (not to be confused with C. congesta, which is also known by this common name) is an evergreen Australian plant. A shrub ..

Cistus creticus

참조 사이트https://www.maltawildplants.com/CIST/Cistus_creticus.php#PIC 학명 : Cistus creticus L.분류 : CistaceaeCommon Names : pink rock-rose, hoary rock-rose 사진 : 2024.04.20 서천국립생태원      위키페디아 설명From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cistus creticus (pink rock-rose, hoary rock-rose) is a species of shrubby plant in the family Cistaceae. Though it usually has pink flowers, of 4.5–5 cm diameter, this spec..

Cannonball Tree

참조 사이트https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Couroupita_guianensishttps://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/TREES/Family/Lecythidaceae/31760/Couroupita_guianensishttps://www.nybg.org/blogs/plant-talk/2013/01/science/the-cannon-ball-tree/    학명 : Couroupita guianensis Aubl.분류 : 레키티스과(Lecythidaceae)Common name : Cannonball Tree 사진 : 2024.04.20 서천국립생태원          위키페디아 설명  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cour..

Cycas debaoensis(중국어명 덕보소철)

참조 사이트https://alchetron.com/Cycas-debaoensishttps://blog.naver.com/woosubso/223160695682   학명 : Cycas debaoensis Y. C. Zhong & C. J. Chen분류 : 소철과(Cycadaceae)중국어명 : 德保苏铁  사진 : 2024.04.20 서천국립생태원          Cycas debaoensis Y. C. Zhong & C. J. Chen, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 35: 571. 1997.德保苏铁 de bao su tie Trunk almost subterranean, to 40(-70) × 25(-40) cm above ground, sometimes clumped; bark brown-gray..

Ardisia gigantifolia

학명 : Ardisia gigantifolia Stapf. 분류 : (FOC) 자금우과(Myrsinaceae)/(WFO) 앵초과(Primulaceae) 학명 풀이 : Ardisia : From the Latin ardis (a point), referring to the pointed anthers 사진 : 2024.03.14 서울식물원 FOC 설명 Ardisia gigantifolia Stapf, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 1906: 74. 1906. 走马胎 zou ma tai Ardisia, perpendicularis E. Walker; A. pseudoverticillata Merrill; Chloranthus kiangsiensis Metcalf. Shrubs or subshr..

Buddha's coconut

학명 : Pterygota alata (Roxb.) R. Br. 분류 : 아욱과(Malvaceae) Common Name : Buddha's coconut (tree); Buddha coconut 사진 : 2023.03.09 부천수피아식물원 Description Deciduous trees, to 35 m high, bole(줄기) straight, buttressed(부벽에 의해 지지되다); bark, greyish with light and dark patches, smooth; blaze creamy yellow; young parts covered with dense golden brown stellate-pubescence. Leaves simple, alternate clustered towa..

Bombax ceiba

Bombax ceiba https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7816029 Bombax ceiba(비공개) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7814901 Ceiba speciosa (명주솜나무) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7814900 학명 : Bombax ceiba L. 분류 : 아욱과(Malvaceae) Common Names : cotton tree; Malabar silk-cotton tree; red silk-cotton; red cotton tree 사진 : 2023.03.09 부천수피아식물원 Wikipedia 설명 Bombax ceiba, like other trees of the genus Bombax, is commonly kno..