
등골나물 '코레이'

대효0617 2009. 11. 11. 21:05

학명:  Conoclinium coelestinum 'Cori'

분류: 국화과 (Compositae)

사진 촬영: 한택식물원







식물 이름에 대해:

팻말에는 Eupatorium  coelestinum  'Corey'로 되어 있는데 조사해보니 이명(Synonym)으로  되어 있다. 정명은  Conoclinium coelestinum 'Cori'이다. 품종명은 Corey, Cori, Cor 모두 통용된다고 한다. 속명이 Eupatorium에서  Conoclinium 으로 바뀐  것은 꽃의 형상이 등골나물속(Eupatorium) 보다는 국화과의 다른 속(아게라툼과 비슷)과 닮았기 때문이다. 따라서 등골나물'코레이'도 사실 적절한 이름은 아닌듯하다.

아래에 식물을 소개하는 원문을 싣는다.  


Missouri Botanical Garden

Kemper Center For Home Gardening 



Conoclinium coelestinum 'Cori'


Common Name: mistflower

Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial

Family: Asteraceae

Bloom Time: September - October  

Bloom Color: Blue



General Culture:


Easily grown in average, medium to wet, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Prefers moist, fertile, humusy soils which do not dry out. Mistflower is a vigorous plant that spreads aggressively by rhizomes and self-seeding. In some areas of the U. S., the species is considered to be a spreading weed. Propagate by clump division in early spring. Plants will grow in wet areas. Taller plants may be cut back in summer to prevent flopping.

Noteworthy Characteristics:

Conoclinium coelestinum, commonly called mistflower, is a late summer to fall- blooming herbaceous perennial that is native to the Eastern United States. It looks like annual ageratum and in that regard is sometimes commonly called hardy ageratum. But it is perennial and can spread aggressively by rhizomes. It typically grows to 1-2’ tall on downy purplish stems clad with coarsely-toothed, ovate-deltoid leaves (to 3” long). The flowers of this member of the aster family lack rays. Numerous small, fluffy, tubular, blue-purple flowers (to 1/ 2” across) with discoid heads bloom from July to October in dense flat topped terminal clusters (corymbs). In Missouri, mistflower is primarily found south of the Missouri River in low wet woods, at bluff bases, and in moist ground along streams, ponds, sloughs and ditches (Steyermark). It is also commonly called blue boneset. Conoclinium coelestinum is synonymous with Eupatorium coelestinum. At this time, The Royal Horticultural Society, USDA and Flora of North America favor the former designation and Steyermark favors that latter designation. The cultivar herein is varyingly spelled as ‘Con’, ‘Cory’ or ‘Corey’. This cultivar is very similar to the species (see J870) except the plants are more compact, the flowers are a lighter blue and the bloom period occurs slightly later. Coelestinum means heavenly.


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