

대효0617 2011. 12. 27. 19:03



학명: Mahonia trifolia

분류: 매자나무과(Berberidaceae)


사진: 천리포수목원













Native to southeast Arizona to New Mexico and Texas; south into Mexico; this is among the largest of the Mahonias. Typically a large shrub; the largest on record is 26 x 15 feet with a trunk diameter of 8 inches.

The evergreen leaves are composed of 3 to 7 leaflets up to 2 x 1 inches in size. The attractive foliage is gray-green turning to purplish-red in winter.

The fragrant, yellow flowers are borne during early spring. The bright red berries are sweet and edible.

Heat and very drought tolerant, even in Texas. Hardy zones 6 to 10 in full sun on well drained soil.


설명 출처: http://rslandscapedesign2.blogspot.com/2010/09/mahonia.html


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