
복사나무 겨울눈(복사나무속/살구나무속 구별

대효0617 2012. 1. 4. 20:58


학명: (국생지) Prunus persica (L.) Batsch for. persica /(FOC) Amygdalus persica L.  

분류: 장미과(Rosaceae)

학명 풀이:

Prunus: 자두나무

persica: 페르시아의



 햇빛을 받은 소지는 붉은색이다. 털은 없다.


겨울눈은 긴 달걀형이고 끝이 뾰족하다.  눈에 털이 많고 끝이 뾰족하다. 엽흔은  타원형 내지 삼각형이다.  관속흔 숫자를 언급한 자료는 찾을 수  없다.  부아가 발달한다.


 아린은 4-10장이라 하였다.


아래 : 1711.28  도봉산

아래: 2018.12.17

아래: 2019.12.28 불암산

여기서는 정아가 보이지 않는다

소지: 무모, 햇빛을 받은 부분이 붉은색으로 변한다

동아:  호생, 긴 난형으로 끝이 뾰족하다

아린: 4-10장, 회백색의 긴 털로 덮여 있다,

보통 병생부아가 있다. 화아가 엽아보다 크다

엽흔: 타원형 내지 삼각형, 뚜렷하게 팽대

관속흔: 3개

수피: 흑갈색 -자갈색이며 가로로 긴 피목이 있다

Amygdalus persica Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 472. 1753.


(학명 이명)

Amygdalus persica [unranked] aganonucipersica Schübler & Martens; A. persica var. aganonucipersica (Schübler & Martens) T. T. Yü & L. T. Lu; A. persica [unranked] aganopersica Reichenbach; A. persica var. compressa (Loudon) T. T. Yü & L. T. Lu; A. persica [unranked] scleronucipersica Schübler & Martens; A. persica var. scleronucipersica (Schübler & Martens) T. T. Yü & L. T. Lu; A. persica [unranked] scleropersica Reichenbach; A. persica var. scleropersica (Reichenbach) T. T. Yü & L. T. Lu; Persica platycarpa Decaisne; P. vulgaris Miller; P. vulgaris var. compressa Loudon; Prunus persica (Linnaeus) Batsch; P. persica var. compressa (Loudon) Bean; P. persica subsp. platycarpa (Decaisne) D. Rivera et al.; P. persica var. platycarpa (Decaisne) L. H. Bailey.


Trees 38 m tall, with a broad and ± horizontally spreading crown. Bark dark reddish brown, scabrous and squamose with age. Branchlets green but reddish on exposed side, slender, glabrous, lustrous, with many small lenticels. Winter buds often 2 or 3 in a fascicle, conical, pubescent, apex obtuse. Petiole robust, 12 cm, with or without 1 to several nectaries; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate, or obovate-oblanceolate, 715 × 23.5 cm, abaxially with or without a few hairs in vein axils, adaxially glabrous, base broadly cuneate, margin finely to coarsely serrate, apex acuminate. Flowers solitary, opening before leaves, 23.5 cm in diam. Pedicel very short to flower subsessile. Hypanthium green with a red tinge, shortly campanulate, 35 mm, outside pubescent or rarely subglabrous. Sepals ovate to oblong, ± as long as hypanthium, outside pubescent to rarely subglabrous, apex obtuse. Petals pink or white, oblong-elliptic to broadly obovate, 11.7 × 0.91.2 cm. Stamens 2030; anthers purplish red. Ovary pubescent. Style nearly as long as stamens. Drupe color varies from greenish white to orangish yellow, usually with a red tinge on exposed side, ovoid, broadly ellipsoid, or compressed globose, (3)57(12) cm in diam. and usually nearly as long, densely pubescent, very rarely glabrous, ventral suture conspicuous; mesocarp white, greenish white, yellow, orangish yellow, or red, succulent, sweet to sour-sweet, fragrant; endocarp large, ellipsoid to suborbicular, compressed on both sides, surface longitudinally and transversely furrowed and pitted, free from mesocarp or compactly adnate to it, apex acuminate. Seed bitter, rarely sweet. Fl. MarApr, fr. AugSep.


(생육지와 분포)

Cultivated throughout China, escaped from cultivation in waste fields or on disturbed slopes; 1500--2200 m. Escaped from cultivation in at least Gansu, Hebei, and Shanxi.

(보충 설명)

Although native to N China, truly wild peaches no longer exist. Peaches are important, fruit-bearing and ornamental plants cultivated throughout temperate and subtropical zones. Cultivated varieties have been named for whether the fruit are compressed or not, whether the fruit surface is pubescent or glabrous, and whether the endocarp is free or adnate to the mesocarp.




1. Axillary winter buds 3 with 2 lateral flower buds and 1 central leaf bud; 

   (측아는 3개로 가운데가 엽아, 양쪽 곁 2개는 화아)
   terminal winter bud present
(정아가 있다);

   leaves conduplicate(두 겹으로 된) when young;

   endocarp often pitted, rarely smooth.

   ..........................................       Amygdalus 복사나무속

1. Axillary winter buds single ;

    (측아는 1개) 

   terminal winter buds absent(정아가 없다);

   leaves convolute(돌돌 감긴 [or conduplicate] when young;

   endocarp usually smooth or inconspicuously pitted.

   2. Flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate;

       ovary and fruit usually pubescent.

        ...........................                Armeniaca 살구나무속

         (살구 이름이 붙은 것과 매실나무)

   2. Flowers distinctly pedicellate;
    ovary and fruit glabrous, often glaucous.

     ................................             협의의 Prunus

*주의 : 우리나라에서  Prunus 로 대별하는 속 중에 벚나무류들은  Cerasus속이다. 위의 검색표에서는 벚나무류들은 제외된다. 우리나라에는 협의의 Prunus에 속하는 나무(열녀목, 서양자두나무 등)는  아주 드물다


위의 검색표와는 달리 살구나무속에서도 병생부아가 목격된다