
유럽피나무 겨울눈

대효0617 2012. 1. 5. 22:26

학명: Tilia × europaea L.

(Tilia cordata와 and Tilia platyphyllos의 잡종)

분류: 피나무과(Tiliaceae)/아욱과 (Malvaceae)

* 유전자조사에 의한 APG II system,에 의하면 아욱과로 분류된다.


Under the Cronquist classification system, this genus was placed in the family Tiliaceae, but genetic research by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) has resulted in the incorporation of this family into the Malvaceae

출처: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilia






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