* 우리나라 북부 지방에 자생하지만 외래종으로 잘못 알려진 식물이다.
* 아래 학명의 뜻에 의거하여 위키의 설명을 보면 이 꽃은 매우 흥미있는 꽃이다. 이 꽃은 죽은 자에게 불멸의 안식을 안겨주는 꽃인 것이다.
학명: Tanacetum vulgare L.
분류: 국화과(Compositae)
학명 풀이:
Tanacetum: 불멸(immortality)
vulgare: 보통의 (common)
영명: Common Tansy, Bitter Buttons, Cow Bitter 등
원산지: 유럽과 아시아의 온대 지역
사진: 2012.09.20 석룡산 조무락골
아래 : 2022.08.23 푸른수목원
우리나라 북부의 산에 분포한다.
키는 60~70cm이다.
밑부분의 잎은 개화시에 없어지고 엽병이 있으며, 중앙의 잎은 긴 타원형이고 길이 15~25cm, 폭 7~11cm로서 밑부분이 흔히 원줄기를 감싸며 2회우상으로 갈라지고 첫째 열편은 12쌍정도이며 나비 12-20mm로서 피침형이고 최종열편은 나비 2-3mm로서 양면에 거미줄 같은 털이 있으며 표면에 선점이 있고 가장자리는 뾰족하고 딱딱한 톱니가 있다.
꽃은 7-9월에 피며 황색이고 머리모양꽃차례는 지름 10mm로서 12-38개가 밀집하여 산방상으로 배열되며 화경은 길이 7-21mm이다. 총포는 반구형이고 길이 4mm, 지름 10mm로서 거미줄같은 털이 부분적으로 있으며 포편은 4줄로 배열되고 막질이며 외편은 난상 긴 타원형이고 중편보다 짧으며 끝이 모두 둔하다. 혀꽃은 머리모양꽃차례 가장자리에 1줄로 배열되고 암꽃으로서 길이 2.5mm정도이며 흔히 3개로 갈라진다.
수과는 길이 2mm정도로서 털이 없으며 5륵肋이 있고 관모는 극히 짧으며 관처럼 붙어 있다.
높이 60-70cm이고 거미줄같은 털이 있으며 꽃차례 이외에는 가지가 갈라지지 않고 곧게 선다.
Tansy is a perennial, herbaceous flowering plant of the aster family, native to temperate Europe and Asia. It has been introduced to other parts of the world and in some areas has become invasive. It is also known as Common Tansy, Bitter Buttons, Cow Bitter, Mugwort, or Golden Buttons
Tansy is a flowering herbaceous plant with finely divided compound leaves and yellow, button-like flowers. It has a stout, somewhat reddish, erect stem, usually smooth, 50–150 cm tall, and branching near the top. The leaves are alternate, 10–15 cm long and are pinnately lobed, divided almost to the center into about seven pairs of segments, or lobes, which are again
divided into smaller lobes having saw-toothed edges, giving the leaf a somewhat fernlike appearance. The roundish, flat-topped, button-like, yellow flower heads are produced in terminal clusters from mid-to-late summer. The scent is similar to that of camphor with hints of rosemary. The leaves and flowers are toxic if consumed in large quantities; the volatile oil contains toxic compounds including thujone, which can cause convulsions and liver and brain damage. Some insects, notably the tansy beetle Chrysolina graminis, have evolved resistance to the toxins and subsist almost exclusively on the plant.
Tansy has a long history of use. It was first recorded as being cultivated by the ancient Greeks for medicinal purposes. In the 8th century AD it was grown in the herb gardens of Charlemagne and by Benedictine monks of the Swiss monastery of Saint Gall. Tansy was used to treat intestinal (장내의) worms, rheumatism, digestive problems, fevers, sores, and to “bring out” measles(홍역).
During the Middle Ages and later, high doses were used to induce abortions. Contradictorily, tansy was also used to help women conceive and to prevent miscarriages(유산). In the 15th century, Christians began serving tansy with Lenten meals to
commemorate the bitter herbs eaten by the Israelites. Tansy was thought to have the added Lenten benefits of controlling flatulence(배에 가tm가 차는 증상) brought on by days of eating fish and pulses and of preventing the intestinal worms believed to be caused by eating fish during Lent.
Tansy was used as a face wash and was reported to lighten and purify the skin. In the 19th century, Irish folklore suggested that bathing in a solution of tansy and salts would cure joint pain. Although most of its medicinal uses have been discredited, tansy is still a component of some medicines and is listed by the United States Pharmacopeia as a treatment for fevers, feverish colds, and jaundice.(황달)
Tansy has also been cultivated and used for its insect repellent and in the worm warding type of embalming(미이라 처리, 방부 처리). It was packed into coffins, wrapped in funeral winding sheets, and tansy wreaths were sometimes placed on the dead.
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설명 출처: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tansy