
페르시안클로버(Persian clover)

대효0617 2014. 11. 21. 09:10


학명: Trifolium resupinatum L.

분류: 콩과(Leguminosae)

학명 풀이:

Trifolium : 3출엽 

resupinatum : inverted or upside-down



사진: 2014.06.18 서울숲

















설명 1

Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.) is an annual, prostrate or semi-erect branched legume, up to 20-60 cm high, similar to berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) but shorter. It forms dense swards and has a rosette growth habit under grazing. The stems are hollow, branching from the lower part. Leaves are trifoliate with 1 to 3 cm long, oval-oblong leaflets. Flowers are pink to violet and mature to white woolly seedheads, with a resupinate corolla, hence the name resupinatum. Fruits are dehiscent single-seeded pods (Suttie, 1999).

출처: http://www.feedipedia.org/node/244

설명 2


Habitat: terrestrial

Flower petal color:

•blue to purple

•pink to red

Leaf type: the leaves are compound (made up of two or more discrete leaflets

2개 이상의 소엽으로 이루어진 복엽

Leaf arrangement: alternate: there is one leaf per node along the stem

Leaf blade edges: the edge of the leaf blade has teeth

엽연은 치상거치

Flower symmetry: there is only one way to evenly divide the flower (the flower is bilaterally symmetrical)

꽃은 좌우상칭

Number of sepals, petals or tepals:

•there are five petals, sepals, or tepals in the flower

•there are four petals, sepals, or tepals in the flower

Fusion of sepals and petals: the petals or the sepals are fused into a cup or tube

Stamen number: 10

Fruit type (general):

•the fruit is dry and splits open when ripe

•the fruit is dry but does not split open when ripe

출처: http://gobotany.newenglandwild.org/species/trifolium/resupinatum/


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