

대효0617 2015. 6. 12. 15:55


 김의털속 Festuca  종 검색표 http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7810501



학명: Festuca heterophylla Lam.

뷴류: 벼과(Gramineae) 



사진: 15.06.07  춘천 약사천














Festuca heterophylla

HABIT Perennial; caespitose. Basal innovations intravaginal. Culms erect; 60–120 cm long; 2–3 -noded. Lateral branches lacking. Leaves heterophyllous being wider on the culm (2–4mm). Leaf-sheaths tubular for much of their length; without keel; glabrous on surface. Ligule an eciliate membrane; 0.2 mm long. Leaf-blades filiform; conduplicate; 10–30 cm long; 0.3–0.5 mm wide. Leaf-blade venation comprising 3 vascular bundles. Leaf-blade surface smooth, or scabrous; glabrous. Leaf-blade apex acute.

INFLORESCENCE Inflorescence a panicle. Peduncle smooth.

Panicle open, or contracted; lanceolate, or oblong; secund; 6–18 cm long. Primary panicle branches appressed. Panicle branches angular; scabrous.

Spikelets solitary. Fertile spikelets pedicelled. Pedicels 2–4 mm long.

FERTILE SPIKELETS Spikelets comprising 3–9 fertile florets; with diminished florets at the apex. Spikelets elliptic, or oblong; laterally compressed; 7–14 mm long; breaking up at maturity; disarticulating below each fertile floret.

GLUMES Glumes persistent; dissimilar; shorter than spikelet. Lower glume lanceolate; 3–5.5 mm long; 0.7–0.8 length of upper glume; chartaceous; without keels; 1 -veined. Lower glume primary vein scabrous. Lower glume lateral veins absent. Lower glume apex acute. Upper glume oblong; 4–6.5 mm long; 0.7–0.8 length of adjacent fertile lemma; chartaceous; without keels; 3 -veined. Upper glume primary vein scabrous. Upper glume apex acute.

FLORETS Fertile lemma ovate; 5–8 mm long; chartaceous; much thinner on margins; without keel; 5 -veined. Lemma surface scaberulous; rough above. Lemma apex acute; awned; 1 -awned. Principal lemma awn 1.5–6 mm long overall. Palea 1 length of lemma; 2 -veined. Palea keels scaberulous; adorned above. Apical sterile florets resembling fertile though underdeveloped.

FLOWER Anthers 3; 2.5–4.5 mm long. Ovary pubescent on apex.

FRUIT Caryopsis with adherent pericarp; hairy at apex. Hilum linear; 1 length of caryopsis.



출처: http://www.kew.org/data/grasses-db/www/imp04605.htm



퍼온 사진









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