사진: 2016.04.27 창덕궁
처음에는 충영인 줄 알았다. 쪼개보니 아무 것도 들어 있지 않았다. 집에 와서 인터넷을검색해보니 (자두)주머니병 (plum pocket) 걸린 것이라 한다. 주로 자두나무에 발생하기때문에 Plum pocket라 한다. 거지주머니병이라고도 한다.
Plum pockets
Plum pocket or bladder plum is an unusual disease that causes unripe plums to grow abnormally large within a month or two after bloom. Plum pocket is caused by the fungus Taphrina communis. The infection starts with a small blister on the fruit, which rapidly grows and soon covers the entire fruit. Infected fruit may grow to ten times their normal size, have a spongy texture, and become covered with velvety gray fungal spores. Eventually infected fruit dry out and turn black. If cut open, the center of these affected plums is empty. The fungus can cause the leaves to thicken and curl, but this is not common. Infected fruit usually fall to the ground, but some will stay on the tree through winter.
Plum pocket primarily infects wild plums and American type plums. In many trees only a small number of fruit are infected. Few dessert plums suitable for Minnesota are susceptible to plum pocket. The disease can be reduced by removing infected plums before they are covered with spores. If plum pocket is causing crop losses by killing leaves or destroying most of the fruit, fungicides applied before bloom will help control the disease. Plum pockets can be prevented with a single fungicide application just before bud break in early spring. Bordeaux mixture (copper-sulfate), liquid lime sulfur or chlorothalonil can all be used to manage plum pockets.
자낭균의 일종인 Taphrina communis에 의해 발생하는 병으로 이 에 걸리면 열매가 씨앗이 없이 비정상적으로 부풀어오르다가 말라 떨어지게 된다. 자두주머니병의 발생은 개화수정 시 저온이 되었거나 전년도 가을이나 동계약제 살포를 게을리 하였을 경우에 흔히 발생한다. 일단 병징(病徵)이 나타나면 치료가 곤란하다. 에방에는 석회보르도액이나 석회유황합제를 살포해야 된다고 한다.
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