
설령황새풀 (황새풀속 비교)

대효0617 2016. 12. 26. 23:33

학명 : Eriophorum brachyantherum Trautv.

분류 : 사초과(Cyperaceae)

학명 풀이:

Eriophorum: bearing wool

brachyantherum: brachy ’short’ + antherum ‘anther’




사진: 2016.07.30 만주 황송포


황새풀이 아니라 설령황새풀로 본다











부분 확대(인편 부분 주의)



국표식에 황새풀 이름이 붙은 종은 아래와 같다

Eriophorum brachyantherum Trautv. 설령황새풀

Eriophorum angustifolium Honck. 참황새풀

Eriophorum vaginatum L. 황새풀

Eriophorum gracile Koch 작은황새풀

Eriophorum japonicum Maxim.  두메황새풀 *

Eriophorum latifolium Hoppe 큰황새풀 *



Scirpus hudsonianus (Michx.) Fern. 애기황새풀이 있다 . 이중 애기황새풀은 속이 다르다



그리고  FOC에서 두메황새풀 Eriophorum japonicum Maxim은 황새고랭이 Scirpus maximowiczii C. B.

 Clarke 의 이명으로 처리되어 있고 큰황새풀 Eriophorum latifolium Hoppe은 참황새풀 Eriophorum angustifolium Honck. 을 오동정한 것으로 되어 있다
















아래는 퍼온 세밀화






사진: https://images.search.yahoo.com






<Flora of North America>


Eriophorum brachyantherum Trautvetter & C. A. Meyer in A. T. von Middendorff, Reise Siber. 1(2, 3): 98. 1856.

Closed-sheath cotton-grass, linaigrette à anthères courtes


Eriophorum opacum (Bjørnstrom) Fernald; E. vaginatum Linnaeus var. opacum Bjørnstrom


Plants cespitose. Culms terete or nearly so, 2070 cm, smooth. Leaves: bladeless sheaths 13, evenly distributed on culm, distal to middle, not inflated distally, filiform, channeled, 0.41.2 mm wide. Inflorescences: involucral bracts absent. Spikelets solitary, erect, globose, 1020 mm in flower, 2035 mm in fruit; proximal empty scales usually 7 or more, ascending, blackish, ovate-lanceolate, 510 mm, thin, margins broad, ribless, midrib not reaching tip. Flowers: perianth bristles usually more than 8, creamy white to pale brown, 1020 mm; anthers 0.52 mm. Achenes oblanceoloid, (1.8)22.3(2.7) × 0.51.2 mm; apex minutely apiculate, 0.1 mm. 2n = 58.


Fruiting summer. Bogs, fens, tundra, muskeg, wet soils; 01500 m; Alta., B.C., Man., Nfld. and Labr., N.W.T., Nunavut, ont., Que., Sask., Yukon; Alaska; Eurasia.


Eriophorum brachyantherum var. pellucidum Lepage is ca. 30 cm with narrowly oblong achenes (2.52.7 mm). It is known from only a single station (Rupert House, Quebec) and may be a hybrid between E. brachyantherum and E. vaginatum subsp. spissum. Further study is needed to determine the status of this plant.





Eriophorum brachyantherum Trautv. and C.A. Meyer



Vegetative morphology.

Plants 1530(45) cm high; perennial herbs; caespitose; loosely tufted in several tufts. only fibrous roots present. Roots pallid-brown. Ground level or underground stems absent. Aerial stems erect; not filiform (0.61.0 mm in diameter). Leaves mainly basal; alternate; dying annually and non-persistent and marcescent (떨어지지 않고 시드는). Petioles absent. Sheaths present; persisting; forming a conspicuous build-up at the base of the plant; brown (pallid); with the margins fused to the apex; glabrous; sheath collars absent. Ligules present; 0.51 mm long; membranous; glabrous. Ligule apices obtuse; entire. Leaves grass-like. Blades 60200(250) mm long, (0.4)0.51(1.2) mm wide, appressed to the stem or spreading, straight, linear (filiform, leaves bladeless sheaths), flat, veins parallel, midvein similar in size to other veins in the leaf. Blade adaxial surface glabrous (or minutely scaberulous seen at 40×). Blade abaxial surface glabrous. Blade margins glabrous; apices acuminate.


Reproductive morphology.

Flowering stems solitary. Flowering stems triangular in cross section (in the upper half), or circular or oval in cross section (in the lower half). Flowering stems conspicuously taller than the leaves; with leaves; uppermost leaf arising above the middle of the stem (13 leafless sheaths distributed on culm). Leaf or reduced bract subtending the base of the inflorescence absent. Inflorescences spicate and head-like (a single spike); dense; ovate (broadly), or globose or sub-globose (erect, solitary spike); 12 cm long (23.5 cm long in fruit); 1025(40) mm wide. Pedicels absent. Inflorescence unispicate. Individual spike(s) erect. Bisexual spike(s) with empty bracts at the base (the lowest larger, opaque and 3-veined, 0.61 cm long). Terminal spike with both sexes in each floret. Floral scales black (ovate-lanceolate, 510 mm long, midrib not reaching the tip, usually 7 or more); with margins the same colour as the body of the scale; not reflexed (distinguishes this taxon from E. vaginatum s.l.); ovate, or lanceolate; 510 mm long; 1.54 mm wide; glabrous; apex acute. Perianth represented by bristles (the "cotton" of cotton grasses) (usually more than 8). Perianth bristles dull white (creamy white or tinged pale brown, about 20 mm long). Sepals modified (but not a pappus). Petals modified as bristles or perigynia. Stamens 3. Anthers splitting longitudinally. Anthers (0.5)11.5(2) mm long (narrowly elliptical). Ovary carpels 3; syncarpous. Styles 3. Stigmas per ovary 3. Placentation basal. Ovules per ovary 1. Fruit sessile; surrounded by a perianth persisting as bristles; dry; an achene; obovate; brown; 1.82.2(2.7) mm long (0.51.2 mm wide); 0.91.1 mm wide; indehiscent. Achenes trigonous (apex minutely apiculate). Seeds 1.





<국가생물종지식정보시스템> 설명

줄기 밑에 나는 잎은 가는 선형이고 줄기보다 훨씬 짧으며 굳다. 줄기 위에 나는 두개의 잎은 줄기의 가운데 부분에 있으며 엽신이 없고 보통 윗부분이 조금 넓어진 엽초만으로 되었있다.


열매는 8~9월에 여물며 긴 타원상 난형(길이 2~2.3mm, 너비 0.5~1.2mm)이고 세모났다.

꽃은 양성화며 6~7월에 핀다. 화서는 한 개의 소수로 되었다. 포엽은 난형에 가까운 피침형이고 끝은 뾰족하며 녹색이 도는 어두운 재색이다. 소수는 줄기끝에 나며 긴 난형의 타원형 또는 도란형(길이 1.5~2.5cm)이고 많은 꽃이 촘촘히 핀다. 화영은 나선형으로 붙고 피침형(길이 약 10mm)이며 암회색이고 투명하지 않다. 소수의 밑 부분에 있는 화영 안에는 꽃이 없다. 선형의 화피는 많고 길며 백색이다. 수술은 3개이다. 암술대는 밑부분이 굵어지지 않고 암술머리는 3개이다.


줄기 밑부분에 있는 엽초는 실모양으로 가늘게 갈라졌다.


근경은 거의 없다.


한반도(북부), 러시아, 몽골, 유럽, 북아메리카


다년생 초본이다.

생육 환경

고산지대 습지





Flora of North America 황새풀속Eriophorum 검색표


1. Spikelets solitary, erect, without blade-bearing involucral bracts; distal leaves on culms bladeless or

    with blades not more than 1 cm; proximal scales of spikelets usually empty.

.................................................       황새풀 E. vaginatum, 설령황새풀 E. brachyantherum


1. Spikelets usually 2 or more, spreading or nodding, subumbellate or capitate, subtended by 1 or

    more blade-bearing involucral bracts, sometimes reduced to sheaths; distal leaves on culms with

    blades at least 1 cm; proximal scales of spikelets usually subtending flowers.

    ................................................     참황새풀 E. angustifolium, 작은황새풀 E. gracile,




황새풀 E. vaginatum과 설령황새풀 E. brachyantherum 의 구분(원 검색표를  두 종에 맞게 조정)

1. Proximal scales spreading or reflexed in fruit, with white-hyaline margins

    to 1 mm wide; perianth bristles pure white in fruit; distal sheaths on

    culms inflated.

    ............................ 황새풀 Eriophorum vaginatum

1. Proximal scales appressed to ascending, without conspicuous

    whitish margins; perianth bristles creamy white to pale brown; distal sheaths

    on culms not inflated

.......................... 설령황새풀 Eriophorum brachyantherum





참황새풀 E. angustifolium과 작은황새풀 E. gracile의 구분


Flora of North Ameica 검색표

1. Anthers 25 mm; longer scales 510 mm, proximal scales without lateral ribs. 

     ................................ 참황새풀 Eriophorum angustifolium

1. Anthers 12(2.5) mm; longer scales 34.5 mm, proximal (2)39-ribbed, lateral ribs usually thinner

    and shorter than central

     ...................................... 작은황새풀 Eriophorum gracile


Flora of China 검색표


1. Glumes usually 1-veined; culms ± stout; leaf blade 3-5(-7) mm wide,

    flat but apex 3-angled.

     ............................ 참황새풀 E. angustifolium

1. Glumes many veined; culms ± slender; leaf blade ca. 1 mm wide,

       compressed 3-angled.

........................... 작은황새풀 E. gracile





황새풀  Eriophorum vaginatum
설령황새풀 Eriophorum brachyantherum

인편은 개출 내지 반전
화피 강모는 순백색
인편은 압착 내지 경사
화피 강모는 오백색 내지 옅은 갈색



황새풀 세밀화 출처: 日本カヤツリグサ科植物図譜


아래는 황새풀의 퍼온 사진





사진 출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eriophorum

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