우선 국생정에 있는 Boehmeria 속을 들어보면 아래와 같다
A는 The Plant List에서 공인한 학명이고 S.는 이명처리한 학명이다
1. 잎 호생
모시풀 Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. (A)
섬모시풀 Boehmeria nivea var. nipononivea (Koidz.) W.T.Wang
2. 잎 대생
섬거북꼬리 Boehmeria taquetii Nakai (A)
풀거북꼬리 Boehmeria tricuspis var. unicuspis Makino (S)
거북꼬리 Boehmeria tricuspis (Hance) Makino (A)
좀깨잎나무 Boehmeria spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. (A)
개모시풀 Boehmeria platanifolia Franch. & Sav.
Boehmeria platanifolia (F. & S.) C.H.Wright (A)
왜모시풀 Boehmeria longispica Steud. (S). → Boehmeria japonica (L. f.) Miquel (A)
왕모시풀 Boehmeria pannosa Nakai & Satake (A)
3 잎이 대생하며 긴 것
긴잎모시풀 Boehmeria sieboldiana Blume (A)
[털긴잎모시풀 Boehmeria hirtella Satake은 긴잎모시풀의 이명]
거북꼬리 근연종 중국식물지 검색표
8 (5) Leaf blade often 3-cusped or 3-lobed, rarely 5-lobed at apex. (9)
+ Leaf blade not divided at apex. (12)
9 (8) Leaf blade often papery, 7-15(-22) cm wide, teeth 10-20 mm. (10)
+ Leaf blade herbaceous, 1-8(-13) cm wide, teeth less than 10 mm. (11)
10 (9) Leaf blade ovate or broadly ovate, apex sometimes inconspicuously tricuspidate, base often broadly cuneate; spikes or rarely few branched at base.
............................................... B. japonica 왜모시풀
+ Leaf blade oblate to 5-angled or oblate to orbicular-ovate, apex often 3-lobed, base often truncate or subcordate; spikes well branched into subpanicle.
.................................................. B. tricuspis 거북꼬리
11 (9) Leaves all opposite, apex 3- or 5-cuspidate, base broadly cuneate to subtruncate, teeth 2-10 mm, sparsely strigose or subglabrous on both surfaces.
.................................................... B. silvestrii
+ Leaves alternate on upper stems, opposite on lower stems, apex tricuspidate, base broadly cuneate, teeth 1-2.5 mm, long appressed hirsute adaxially, pubescent abaxially.
.................................................... B. allophylla
16 (12) Flowering shoots branched at base. (17)
+ Flowering shoots unbranched. (27)
.................................................... B. spicata 좀깨잎나무
Boehmeria | 한 | 중 | 일 | The Plant List |
거북꼬리 | B. tricuspis (Hance) Makino |
B.tricuspis (Hance) Makino 八角麻 |
B.silvestrii (Pampanini) W. T. Wang アカソ(赤麻) |
B.tricuspis (Hance) Makino |
B. tricuspis (Hance) Makino (S.) |
좀깨잎나무 | B. spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. |
B. spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. 小赤麻 |
B. spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. コアカソ(小赤麻) |
B. spicata (Thunb.) Thunb |
풀거북꼬리 | B. tricuspis var. unicuspis Makino |
B. spicata (좀깨잎나무)의 이명으로 처리 |
B. gracilis C.H.Wright クサコアカソ (草小赤麻) |
B. gracilis C.H.Wright |
B. tricuspis var. unicuspis (S.) |
S. | |||
국명 없음 | - | B. silvestrii (Pamp.) W. T. Wang 赤麻 |
거북꼬리의 일본 학명 |
B. silvestrii (Pamp.) W. T. Wang |
왜모시풀 | B. longispica Steud. |
B. longispica Steud. ヤブマオ(藪苧麻) |
S. | |
B. japonica (L. f.) Miquel 野线麻 |
B. japonica (L. f.) Miquel |
개모시풀 | B. platanifolia Franch. &Sav. |
B.tricuspis (Hance) Makino 에 통합 |
B. platanifolia S. et Zucc. メヤブマオ (雌藪苧麻) |
B. platanifolia (F. &S.) C.H.Wright |
tricuspis (Hance) Makino (S) |
왕모시풀 | B. pannosa Nakai &Satake |
없음 |
A | |
B. holosericea Blume. オニヤブマオ |
A | |||
B, gigantea Satake (S) |
일본에서는 풀거북꼬리의 학명을 B. gracilis로, 거북꼬리의 학명을 B. silvestrii (Pampanini) W. T. Wang로 쓴다 |
아래는 FOC에서 퍼온 세밀화
Boehmeria japonica (Linnaeus f.) Miquel, Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi. 3: 131. 1867.
野线麻 ye xian ma
Urtica japonica Linnaeus f., Suppl. Pl. 481. 1782; Boehmeria grandifolia Weddell; B. holosericea Blume; B. japonica var. appendiculata (Blume) Yahara; B. japonica var. longispica (Steudel) Yahara; B. longispica Steudel; B. pilushanensis Liu & Lu; B. platyphylla D. Don var. macrophylla Weddell; B. spicata var. duploserrata C. H. Wright; B. taiwaniana Nakai & Satake.
Subshrubs or herbs perennial, simple or few branched, 0.7-1.5 m tall; upper stems and branchlets densely appressed or patent strigose. Dioecious. Leaves opposite, subequal in size; stipules lanceolate, 0.8-1.2 mm; petiole 6-8 cm, appressed or patent strigose; leaf blade dark green or black when dry, suborbicular, orbicular-ovate, or ovate, 7-17(-26) × 5.5-13(-20) cm, papery, secondary veins 1-3 pairs along midvein, abaxial surface pubescent or sericeous along veins and veinlets, adaxial surface roughish, strigillose, base broadly cuneate, subrounded, or truncate, margin coarsely 7-14-dentate, teeth 6-20 mm, gradually larger distally, distal ones often biserrate, apex sometimes inconspicuously tricuspidate, lateral cusps shorter than terminal one. Glomerules on axillary unbranched, or sometimes few-branched, spikelike branches; male spikes 3-15 cm; female spikes 7-20(-30) cm. Male flowers 4-merous, sessile; perianth lobes elliptic, ca. 1 mm, strigose, connate at base. Fruiting perianth rhomboid-obovoid, compressed, ca. 1.8 mm, smooth, strigose on shoulder, base stipitate or cuneate, apex with short neck, 2-toothed. Fl. Jun-Aug, fr. Sep-Nov.
Forest margins, thickets, along streams in hills and mountains; 300-600 m in N and SE China, 1000-1300 m in SW China. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, S Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Sichuan, Taiwan, SE Yunnan, Zhejiang [Japan].
The fibers are used to make ropes and cloth. The leaves are used agriculturally as fodder and medicinally to relieve internal fever.
The earliest reference to this species is an excellent plate published by Houttuyn (Nat. Hist. 11: 291, pl. 72, f. 2. 1779), but that author did not ascribe any binomial to the plant in question. Boehmeria japonica and the following four species in this account, B. tricuspis, B. silvestrii, B. spicata and B. allophylla, make up a complex containing intermediate forms, because of which the status of the species remains uncertain.
Boehmeria tricuspis (Hance) Makino, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo). 26: 387. 1912.
八角麻 ba jiao ma
Boehmeria platyphylla D. Don var. tricuspis Hance, J. Bot. 12: 261. 1874; B. japonica Miquel var. platanifolia Maximowicz; B. maximowiczii Nakai & Satake; B. platanifolia Franchet & Savatier.(우리나라 개모시풀의 학명)
Subshrubs or herbs perennial, simple or few branched, 0.5-1.5 m tall; upper stems and branchlets densely pubescent. Dioecious or monoecious. Leaves opposite or rarely alternate, subequal in size; stipules lanceolate, 7-10 mm; petiole 1.5-6(-10) cm, densely pubescent; leaf blade dark green or black when dry, oblate to 5-angled or oblate to orbicular-ovate, often ovate in upper stems, 8-12(-18) × 7-14(-22) cm, papery, secondary veins 2 pairs along midvein, abaxial surface densely pubescent along veins and veinlets, adaxial surface roughish, densely strigose, base truncate, subcordate, or broadly cuneate, margin coarsely 8-12-dentate, teeth gradually larger distally, often biserrate apically, apex 3-cusped or lobed, tip serrulate. Glomerules on axillary spikelike flowering branches, male branches often branched, 8-17 cm; female spikes distal, unbranched or branched, 5.5-24 cm. Male flowers 4-merous, sessile; perianth lobes elliptic, ca. 1 mm, strigillose, connate at base. Fruiting perianth rhomboid-obovoid, compressed, ca. 1.2 mm, smooth, strigillose on shoulder, base cuneate or stipitate, apex with short neck, 2-toothed. Fl. Jul-Aug, fr. Sep-Oct.
Forest margins, thickets, along streams in hills and mountains; 500-1400 m. Anhui, Fujian, S Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, W Hebei, W Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, SE Yunnan, Zhejiang [Japan, Korea].
The high-quality fibers are used to make cloth, paper, and ropes. The leaves are used as fodder and as traditional medicines to relieve internal fever.
Boehmeria silvestrii (Pampanini) W. T. Wang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 20: 204. 1982.
赤麻 chi ma
Boehmeria platanifolia Franchet & Savatier var. silvestrii Pampanini, Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s., 22: 278. 1915.
Herbs perennial or subshrubs, simple or few branched, 0.6-1 m tall; upper stems and branchlets sparsely strigillose. Dioecious or monoecious. Leaves opposite, unequal or subequal in size; stipules lanceolate, 5-7 mm; petiole 1.5-4(-8) cm, sparsely strigillose; middle leaf blade 5-angled or orbicular-ovate, 5-8(-13) × 4.8-7.5(-13) cm, thinly herbaceous, secondary veins 1-3 each side of midvein, both surfaces sparsely strigillose or abaxial surface sometimes glabrous, base broadly cuneate or subtruncate, apex often 3- or 5-cuspidate, sometimes caudate; upper leaf blade gradually smaller, base broadly cuneate or subrounded, margin 8-10-dentate, denticles gradually larger distally, apex caudate or inconspicuously tricuspidate. Glomerules on axillary, lax, unbranched spikelike flowering branches; male or bisexual ones in proximal axils; female ones in distal axils, 4-11(-20) cm. Male flowers 4-merous, subsessile; perianth lobes boat-shaped to elliptic, ca. 1.5 mm, sparsely strigillose, connate to middle; rudimentary ovule ellipsoid, ca. 0.8 mm. Fruiting perianth rhomboid-obovoid, compressed, ca. 1.5 mm, smooth, strigillose on shoulder, base cuneate or stipitate, apex with short neck, 2-toothed. Fl. Jun-Aug, fr. Sep-Nov.
Forest margins, thickets, along streams in hills and mountains; 100-1400 m in C and N China, 2100-2600 m in SW China. N and W Hebei, W Henan, W Hubei, S Gansu, SE Jilin, S Liaoning, S Shaanxi, E Shandong, Sichuan [Japan, Korea].
The fibers are used to make ropes and cloth.
잎이 대생하는 Boehmeria 속 종간 비교(긴잎모시풀 제외):
일본 야후와 FOC 참고하여 만듬
종 | 특징 |
거북꼬리 | 잎 선단 깊이 3열, 잎 기부 광설저; 화서축이 붉으며 줄기와 엽병도 대체로 붉다 |
좀깨잎나무 | 잎 선단 갈라지지 않는다; 화서축이 붉으며 줄기와 엽병도 대체로 붉다; 엽형은 능상난형; 엽연 거치 8쌍 이내. 기부 목질화 |
풀거북꼬리 | 잎 선단 갈라지지 않는다; 거북꼬리와 좀께잎나무처럼 붉은 빛을 띠나 경우에 따라 붉은 빛을 별로 띠지 않는 경우도 있다; 엽형은 난형-난상타원형; 엽연 거치 10-20쌍 |
개모시풀 | 잎 선단은 대체로 3열하고 잎 기부는 아절저; 엽연 거치는 위로 갈수록 커지며 상부의 거치는 결각상으로 중거치이다; 잎 주맥의 털은 짧은 개출모; 자화서는 가늘고 분지하며 꽃 사이가 약간 벌어져 있다 |
왜모시풀 | 잎 선단 거의 갈라지지 않는다, 잎 기부는 아원저; 엽연 거치는 상하의 톱니 차이가 개모시풀만큼 크지 않은 예거치이며 중거치는 상부에서 나타난다; 잎 주맥의 털은 경사모로 잎 뒷면의 털이 개출모보다 많아 뒷면이 좀 약간 흰빛을 띤다; 자화서는 굵고 거의 분지하지 않으며 꽃 사이 간격이 조밀하다 |
왐모시풀 | 잎 선단 갈리지지 않는다. 엽연 거치는 일정한 단거치; 잎이 두껍고 엽맥이 깊게 파인다; 잎 뒷면의 털은 융모. 잎 뒷면이 좀 흰빛을 띤다 |
B. silvestrii | 일본에서는 거북꼬리와 통합한 종이나 FOC에서는 독립시킨 종이다; (아래는 FOC 기재에 따름) 거북꼬리와 비슷하나 거북꼬리가 줄기 상부, 가지, 엽병, 잎 뒷면에 털이 많고 엽질이 지질인데 대하여 이 종은 전체적으로 털이 적고 엽질은 얇은 초질이다. * 본 블로거 의견: B. silvestrii는 일본에서는 거북꼬리의 정명이나 FOC에서는 B. tricuspis와 B. silvestrii를 구분한다. 그러나 거북꼬리에 대한 FOC의 설명은 개모시풀에 대한 설명을 연상시킨다. 개모시풀 B. platanifolia는 FOC에서는 거북꼬리B. tricuspis에 통합되어 있다. 또한 우리나라에서 소개하는 거북꼬리는 털이 거의 없는 것으로 되어 있다. 그러나 거북꼬리 B. tricuspis로도 개모시풀 B. platanifolia로도 보기 어려운 종이 있는 것이 사싷이다. |
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