
지느러미고사리(지느러미고사리와 주름고사리 우편 비교)

대효0617 2017. 8. 3. 14:04



학명 : Hymenasplenium hondoense  (N. Murak. & atan.) Nakaike

분류: 꼬리고사리과(Aspleniaceae)


일어명: ホウビシダ鳳尾羊歯

중국어명: 东亚膜叶铁角蕨   



사진: 2017.07.22  제주 ***

























지느러미고사리와 주름고사리 우편 비교




Hymenasplenium hondoense



Diplazium wichurae




 우편 끝이 둔하고 톱니는 둔한 느낌을 주는 예치

우편 기부에 귀는 불분명

우편 끝이 꼬리 모양이고 거치는 소예거치 

우편 기부에 귀가 뚜렷






Hymenasplenium hondoense (N. Murakami & Hatanaka) Nakaike, New Fl. Japan. 84. 1992.

东亚膜叶铁角蕨 dong ya mo ye tie jiao jue

(학명 이명)

Asplenium hondoense N. Murakami & Hatanaka, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 14: 191. 1988.


Plants 25-40 cm tall. Rhizomes shortly creeping, 2-3 mm in diam., apex densely scaly; scales castaneous to dark brown, narrowly triangular; phyllopodia distinct, ca. 2 mm tall, ca. 10 mm apart. Fronds grayish green when dry, herbaceous; lamina 1-pinnate, narrowly triangular to lanceolate, 10-20 × 3-5 cm, widest in basal 1/3, gradually narrowing toward apex, glabrous; stipe shiny, purple, 10-25 × 0.05-0.15 cm, subglabrous, base sparsely scaly; rachis shiny, purplish abaxially, adaxial side grooved and with 2 grayish green narrow wings; pinnae almost sessile to shortly stalked with rachis color extending via stipicel onto base of costa abaxially, 15-25 pairs, alternate, usually ascending, trapeziform to falcate, 2-3.5 × 0.6-1 cm, base asymmetrical, acroscopic side truncate, basiscopic side attenuate-cuneate with 1/3-1/2 cut away, acroscopic margin serrate, teeth not retuse, pinna apex subacute to obtuse. Veins forking and terminating in marginal teeth, 2 or 3(or 4) basal basiscopic veins lacking. Sori linear, 4-5 mm, medial; indusia brownish, linear, membranous, entire, opening toward costa. Plants usually agamosporous.

Usually on wet rocks near streams in forests. Fujian, Guangxi, Sichuan [NE India, Japan, Korea, Nepal].

The distribution of Hymenasplenium hondoense is not well known due to confusion with other members of the genus. As presently circumscribed, this is a cytologically variable, aggregate species. Usually plants are agamosporous diploids ("n" = 2n = 72) or triploids ("n" = 2n = 117), but in China, sexual diploids and tetraploids exist. The elucidation of this aggregate and its relationships to the other SE Asian members of the "unilaterale" group will require more study.


 출처: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=250098358