노루발속 종 검색표 http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7812140
학명: Pyrola minor L.
분류: (국생지) 노루발과(Pyrolaceae) / (신분류/ FOC) 진달래과(Ericaceae)
중국어명: 短柱鹿蹄草
일어명: エゾイチヤクソウ(蝦夷一薬草)
사진: 2018.07.04 백두산 선봉령
사진 참조
FOC 설명
Pyrola minor Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 396. 1753.
短柱鹿蹄草 duan zhu lu ti cao
(학명 이명)
Amelia minor (Linnaeus) Alefeld; Braxilia minor (Linnaeus) House; B. parvifolia Rafinesque; Erxlebenia minor (Linnaeus) Rydberg; E. rosea Opiz.
Herbs (7–)12–20 cm tall. Rhizome creeping, long, somewhat slender, 0.5–1 mm in diam., branched, with sparse fine roots. Aerial stems ascending, short or somewhat long, 0.5–2.5 cm, not branched. Leaves appearing radical, 4–8, in 2 or 3 subverticils of 2–4 each; petiole 1–2.5 cm; leaf blade pale green abaxially, green adaxially, broadly elliptic to orbicular, 1.5–4.5 × 1.5–3 cm, base obtuse to truncate, margin crenulate to obsoletely serrulate, apex obtuse or mucronulate. Scape erect, 8–18 cm tall, angled, glabrous, with 3–5 broadly lanceolate-elliptic or broadly oblanceolate scales at base, up to 2 leafy scales or leaves near base, and up to 2 narrowly lanceolate to broadly linear scales near middle; raceme densely 7–16-flowered, 2–3.5 cm. Pedicel 3–6 mm; bracts broadly linear, 3–6 mm, usually longer than pedicel. Flowers drooping, regular, 6–7 mm in diam. Sepals depressed-deltoid or broadly ovate, 1–2 × 1–2 mm, apex obtuse to acuminate. Petals white, 3–6 mm, apex retuse. Filaments connivent, surrounding pistil, short, thick, glabrous; anthers yellow, 0.9–1.4 mm, without distinct tubules, apex truncate, opening by wide terminal pores. Style included, ca. 2 mm, straight or slightly curved, not dilated at apex into a ring; stigma with a collar and 5 radially arched lobes. Capsules 4–6 mm in diam. Fl. Jul, fr. Aug. 2n = 46.
Subalpine deciduous broad-leaved forests; 500–2500 m. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [Japan, N Korea, Russia; widely distributed in cool N temperate and subarctic zones].
This is a rare species in China.
국생지 설명
전국 각처에 난다.
그늘 또는 반그늘에서 잘 자라고, 노지에서 월동 생육한다.
높이 20cm내외.
잎은 밑동에서 여러장이 나오며 타원형이고 가죽질이며 엽병은 길다.
꽃은 6-8월에 피고 흰색이며 총상꽃차례를 이룬다.
열매는 삭과로 납작하고 둥근모양이다.
높이는 20cm 내외이다.
근경을 가지고 있고, 잔뿌리가 사방으로 뻗는다.
아래는 주걱노루발의 퍼온 세밀화와 사진들
출처: https://gobotany.newenglandwild.org/species/pyrola/minor/
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