
왕그늘사초Carex pediformis C. A. Meyer(그늘사초절 그늘사초 유형 검색표)

대효0617 2019. 10. 27. 11:37


헉명 : Carex pediformis C. A. Meyer var. peduculata Maxim.

분류: 사초과(Cyperaceae)/ Carex 아과/ Carex속/Clandestinae 절 


중국어명 :   柞(참나무 작)薹草



사진: 2019.06.06 화천

















Carex pediformis C. A. Meyer, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg Divers Savans. 1: 219. 1831.

柄状薹草 bing zhuang tai cao


Rhizome short or elongate and obliquely ascending. Culms densely or loosely tufted, 25-40 cm, slender, ca. 1.5 mm thick, triquetrous, slightly scabrous, subrigid. Leaves shorter than or equaling culm, flat, blades 2-3 mm wide, slightly stiff, brown or dark brown and persistent sheathed at base, sheaths usually disintegrating into fibers. Involucral bracts spathelike, sheaths brown on lower part, green abaxially, white hyaline on margins, involucral bract leaf short or setaceous. Spikes 3 or 4, lowermost one slightly remote, others approximate or all spikes rather remote; terminal spike male, surpassing adjacent female spike, clavate-cylindric, 8-20 mm, ca. 3 mm thick, densely several or many flowered; lateral spikes 2 or 3, female, oblong or oblong-cylindric, 1-2 cm, 3-3.5 mm thick, loosely or densely many flowered; peduncles usually not exserted or slightly exserted from involucral bract sheath; rachis erect. Female glumes brown or brown-red laterally, green at middle, obovate, ovate, ovate-oblong, or oblong, 4-4.5 mm, papery, 1-3-veined, margins broadly white hyaline, apex obtuse or acute, mucronate or aristate. Utricles greenish, slightly shorter than glume, obovate or obovate-oblong, obtusely trigonous, 3.5-4.5 mm, densely white pubescent, nerveless or indistinctly shortly veined abaxially, 2-veined laterally and thinly several veined or shortly veined adaxially, rarely nerveless or convexly several veined on both surfaces, base gradually narrowed to a long stipe, apex rounded, abruptly contracted into a recurved and short beak, orifice emarginate. Nutlets yellow-brown at maturity, obovate, trigonous, 2.5-3 mm, base shortly stipitate, apex with very short and recurved beak; style base thickened; stigmas 3. Fl. and fr. May-Sep.

(생육지와 분포)

Grasslands, mountain slopes, lax forests; 500-2000 m. Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Xinjiang [Korea, Mongolia, Russia (Far East, Siberia)].






그늘사초절 Clandestinae 절 그늘사초 유형 검색표(FOC)


1. Culms 2-6 cm tall, concealed in lower part of leaves;

   leaves pubescent

   줄기는 2-6cm 로 잎 아랫부분에 숨어 있다. 엽신에 잔털이 있다 

   .......................................    C. callitrichos 가는잎그늘사초와 그 변종들


1. Culms 10-40 cm tall, rarely up to 60 cm tall, exserted;

   leaves glabrous

  줄기는 10-40cm(드물게 60cm) 잎 위쪽으로 솟어오르며, 엽신에 털이 없다


   2. Involucral bract blades shortly leaflike,

      involucral bract sheaths green,

        narrowly membranous and white at sheath mouth;

      spike densely many flowered;

      rachis strict;

      leaves shorter than or equaling culm. 

     포엽 엽신은 짧은 엽상이고, 포엽 엽초는 녹색이며 

     엽초 구부는 좁은 백색 막질이다

     소수에는 꽃이 다수 밀생한다 

     중축은 곧다

     잎은 줄기와 길이가 같거나 짧다

.     ..................................     C. pediformis 왕그늘사초와 그 변종들

   2. Lower 1 or 2 involucral bract blades setaceous,

         remaining blades mucro-shaped,

         green abaxially, elsewhere brown,

         membranous and white at sheath mouth and margins;

      spike loosely or somewhat densely 5-10- or more flowered;  

      rachis tortuous;

      leaves longer than culm after flowering.

     아래쪽 포엽 1-2개는 엽신이 강모상이며,

     나머지 포엽은 엽신이 급첨두형으로 배면은 녹색 , 윗면은 갈색이다

     엽초 구부와 가장자리는 백색막질이디

    소수에 꽃이 느슨하게 달리거나 약간 조밀하게 5-10개 달린다

    중축은 비틀린다

    잎은 꽃이 진 후에는 줄기보다 길어진다  



      ................................       C. lanceolata 그늘사초




왕그늘사초 퍼온 사진













퍼온 세밀화








:A: Habit        B: Glume     C : Utricle      D: Nut  













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