

대효0617 2020. 11. 20. 03:42

* 아르헨티나 원산인 P. axillaris BSP.P. violacea LINDL.를 교배하여 만든 잡종이다. 많은 품종이 보급되어 있다. 정원이나 화분에 식재하는 종은 대부분 잡종인 이 종이다. 원종들에 대해서는아래 영어 위키 부분 참조  


학명 : Petunia × hybrida (Hook.) Vilm (국립생물자원관)

분류 :  Solanaceae


영명 : Garden Petunia; Petunia


사진: 2020.11.06 방학동



초체에 전체적으로 선모가 있다




삭과는 꽃받침으로 싸이고 2실이다


삭과는 길이 1cm 정도라 하나 위 사진에선 좀 작아 보인다




종자는 길이 0.5mm의 아구형이라 했으나 형태 변화의 폭이 좀 있는 듯하다



아래: 2021.04.07 서울수목원





퍼온 세밀화



출처: https://species.wikimedia.org/wiki/Petunia_integrifolia







흔히 재배하고 있다.




높이 15-25(60)cm 정도로 자란다.

잎에 샘털이 밀생하여 점성을 띠고 냄새가 고약하다. 잎은 마주나기하며 밑부분의 것은 엽병이 있으나 윗부분의 것은 엽병이 없고 달걀모양이며 가장자리가 밋밋하다.

꽃은 온실에서 가꾼 것은 일찍 피고 모양, 크기 및 색이 품종에 따라서 다르며 꽃받침은 5개로 깊게 갈라지고 열편이 가늘며 길다. 꽃부리는 나팔 모양이고 지름 5-13cm로서 끝이 얕게 5개로 갈라진다.


열매는 삭과로 달걀모양이며 꽃받침에 싸인다.


높이 15-25cm이지만 60cm 또는 그 이상 자라는 것도 있고 줄기에 샘털이 밀생하여 점성을 띠고 고약한 냄새가 있다.


꽃은 온실에서 가꾼 것은 일찍 피고 모양, 크기 및 색이 품종에 따라서 다르다.

종자 또는 꺾꽂이로 번식시킨다.




아르헨티나 원산인 P. axillaris BSP.P. violacea LINDL.를 교배하여 만든 잡종이다.


우장춘 박사는 배추속 Brassica종간 잡종으로 세계에 명성을 떨쳤으며 페튜니 아의 겹꽃 만드는 일도 하였다.

가꾸기 쉽고 꽃이 아름답기 때문에 흔히 심는다.






속에 대한 설명

Petunia Jussieu, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2: 214. 1803.

碧冬茄属 bi dong qie shu


Herbs, usually glandular hairy. Stems erect or reclining, branched. Leaves petiolate, simple, entire. Flowers solitary, axillary, somewhat actinomorphic. Calyx tubular-campanulate, deeply 5-parted. Corolla funnelform or salverform, tube gradually inflated upwards; lobes short, rounded or short pointed. Stamens inserted in corolla tube, included; filaments slender; anthers dehiscing longitudinally; disc glandular, entire or lobed. Ovary 2-locular; stigma indistinctly 2-lobed; ovules numerous. Fruit a dry, 2-valved capsule. Seeds minute, subglobose or ovoid, reticulate-pitted; embryo slightly curved or erect.

About three species: South America, one cultivated in China.





종에 대한 설명

Petunia hybrida Vilmorin, Fl. Pleine Terre ed. 1. 615. 1863.

碧冬茄 bi dong qie


Petunia violacea var. hybrida J. D. Hooker.


Herbs annual, 30-60 cm tall, glandular hairy. Leaves short petiolate or subsessile; leaf blade ovate, 3-8 × 1.5-4.5 cm, base cuneate, margin entire, apex acute. Pedicel 3-5 cm. Calyx deeply parted, 1-1.8 cm × 3.5 mm; lobes linear, 1-1.5 cm × 3.5 mm, obtuse. Corolla white, red, yellow, or purple, sometimes fragrant, funnelform, 5-7 cm, limb spreading. Style slightly exceeding stamens. Capsules conical, ca. 1 cm. Seeds subglobose, ca. 0.5 mm in diam.

Cultivated worldwide.

Ornamental plant of hybrid origin.







Garden Petunia is an annual in the nightshade family that blooms continuously throughout the summer until frost and is one of the most popular bedding plants. Seeds can be sown in January-March under glass as they require a germination temperature of 72-75 degrees but many people purchase plants in six-packs from local nurseries. Pinching purchased plants back before transplanting them will help them maintain a bushy habit.


Plant in full sun to partial shade and light and well-drained soils. While it can survive in heavy shade, the blooms will suffer. Deadheading provides optimal performance and increased flower bud production. Leggy plants should be pinched back. Plants may be overwintered indoors in a bright location away from heated air.


This plant has moderate drought tolerance, is seldom damaged by deer and does excellent as a bedding plant and in containers. It can tolerate poor soils as long as they have good drainage. Plant in beds and border fronts, along edges, in containers, or hanging baskets, window boxes, or in interior sun rooms in the winter.


The major groupings of hybrid petunias are:


Cascading hybrids- Cascading stems best for hanging baskets or ground covers

Grandiflora hybrids- Large showy flowers up to 4” wide

Multiflora hybrids- Smaller flowers 2" wide but more abundant than Grandiflora


Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems: Aphids, flea beetles, slugs, and snails are insect problems. Root rot, gray mold, and tobacco mosaic virus are disease problems.


Quick ID Hints:

Funnelform flowers

Anthers yellow

Decumbent herb with sticky pubescence




영어 위키

Petunia is genus of 20 species of flowering plants of South American origin. The popular flower of the same name derived its epithet from the French, which took the word petun, meaning "tobacco," from a TupiGuarani language. An annual, most of the varieties seen in gardens are hybrids (Petunia × atkinsiana, also known as Petunia × hybrida).




Petunia is a genus in the family Solanaceae, subfamily Petunioideae. Well known members of Solanaceae in other subfamilies include tobacco (subfamily Nicotianoideae), and the cape gooseberry, tomato, potato, deadly nightshade and chili pepper (subfamily Solanoideae). Some botanists place the plants of the genus Calibrachoa in the genus Petunia, but this is not accepted by others. Petchoa is a hybrid genus derived from crossing Calibrachoa and Petunia.




Petunia alpicola

Petunia axillaris

Petunia bajeensis

Petunia bonjardinensis

Petunia exserta

Petunia guarapuavensis

Petunia inflata

Petunia integrifolia

Petunia interior

Petunia ledifolia

Petunia littoralis

Petunia mantiqueirensis

Petunia occidentalis

Petunia patagonica

Petunia reitzii

Petunia riograndensis

Petunia saxicola

Petunia scheideana

Petunia villadiana

이하 생략





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