
로벨리아 종류

대효0617 2021. 4. 26. 19:47

학명 : Lobelia erinus L.

분류 : Campanulaceae

학명 풀이

Lobelia : Named for Mathias de L'Obel, 16th century Belgian botanist

erinus : From the name used by Dioscorides for a plant similar to basil

국내 유통명 : 로벨리아


로벨리이 사진 참조 사이트





사진: 2021.03.30  방학동 화원







아래 : 2024.06.21 파주 출판도시










위키 설명


Lobelia erinus (edging lobelia, garden lobelia or trailing lobelia) is a species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae, native to southern Africa.



It is a low growing, prostrate or scrambling herbaceous perennial plant growing to 815 cm tall. The basal leaves are oval, 10 mm long and 48 mm broad, with a toothed margin; leaves higher on the stems are slender and sometimes untoothed.

The flowers are blue to violet in wild plants, with a five-lobed corolla 820 mm across; they are produced in loose panicles. About 0.5 to 4.5 inches long inflorescence stems are about 5 inches long, loose racemose inflorescences with many flowers. The hermaphrodite flower is zygomorphic with a length of up to 1 centimeter and quinate with double perianth. The five sepals are fused. The fan-shaped lower lip is trilobed. The color of the crown varies depending on the variety between white, blue, purple, purple, pink or red the center is yellow or white. The five stamens are 3 to 7 millimeters long.

The fruit is a 58 mm capsule containing numerous small seeds.



The distribution area lies in southern Africa and extends from Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe to the south to Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, Lesotho and the South African provinces.


Cultivation and uses

Lobelia erinus is a very popular edging plant in gardens, especially for hanging baskets and window boxes. In temperate zones it is grown as a half-hardy annual, i.e. sown under glass with some heat in spring, then planted out when all danger of frost has passed. Alternatively plants can be purchased from garden centres as young "plug" plants, to be transferred outside in May or June.



.... 이하 생략 ....




국표식에 등재되어 있는  Lobelia 재배종은 아래와 같다


재배식물 정명 Lobelia × speciosa 'Ruby Slippers' 까치숫잔대 '루비 슬리퍼스' 

재배식물 정명 Lobelia pedunculata R.Br. 눈애기별꽃 (꽃색  담청색)

재배식물 정명 Lobelia inflata L. 로베리아 2022/03/28 (꽃색 백색) 

재배식물 정명 Lobelia erinus L. 로벨리아 (꽃색 청색)

재배식물 정명 Lobelia cardinalis L. 붉은숫잔대 2011/12/08

재배식물 정명 Lobelia cardinalis 'Queen Victoria' 붉은숫잔대 '퀸 빅토리아' 2011/12/08

재배식물 정명 Lobelia kalmii L. 칼름숫잔대 2011/12/08 (꽃색 청색)

재배식물 정명 Lobelia siphilitica L. 태청숫잔대 (꽃색 청색)



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