
Sanchezia speciosa

대효0617 2021. 5. 23. 21:57

인디카에 문의했더니 푸른나비님이 답을 주셨다. 감사드린다



참조 사이트



학명 : Sanchezia speciosa Leonard

분류 : 쥐꼬리망초과(Acanthaceae)

학명 풀이

Sanchezia : In honor to Jose Sanchez, a 19th century professor of botany at Cadiz, Spain.

speciosa : Showy, spectacular


영어명(Common name) : Zebra Plant (Aphelandra is known by the name)

Gold Vein Plant

Shrubby Whitevein Yellow Sanchezia


사진: 2021.04.01 인천대공원 온실




Sanchezia speciosa [san-CHEH-zee-uh, spee-see-OH-suh] is an evergreen perennial shrub species from the family Acanthaceae, native to tropical rainforests of northeastern Peru and Ecuador where it grows as an understory plant at low altitudes

It has also been naturalized in the low elevation wet forests in many islands in the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, and Central America.


It is also widely grown for ornamental purposes due to its attractive foliage and showy flowers.


The green leaves of sanchezia speciosa have prominent cream to yellow-colored veins; hence, the common name Gold Vein Plant.







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