학명 : Veronica chathamica Buchanan.
다른 학명 : Hebe chathamica Cockayne & Allan
* The Plant List에서는 위의 두 학명을 모두 Unresolved name으로 하고 있으나
Kew science http://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:811815-1
에서는 위와 같이 Veronica chathamica Buchanan.을 정명으로 하고 있다
분류 : Scrophulariaceae / Plantaginaceae (APG System)
원산지 : 뉴질랜드 Chatham Islands
학명 풀이 :
veronica: Named after Saint Veronica, who gave Jesus her veil to wipe his brow as he carried the cross through Jerusalem, perhaps because the common name of this plant is ‘speedwell(꼬리풀)’. The name Veronica is often believed to derive from the Latin vera ‘truth’ and iconica ‘image’, but it is actually derived from the Macedonian name Berenice which means ‘bearer of victory’.
chathamica: From the Chatham Islands
사진: 2021.05.17 하늘공원
아래는 인터넷에서 퍼온 꽃 사진
Brief description
Very low growing sprawling shrub bearing pairs of oval leaves and rounded flower spikes on a distinct stalk inhabiting coastal sites of the Chatham Islands. Leaves 8.5-33mm long by 5.5-16mm wide. Leaf bud without gap at base. Flowers often tinged purple, in a rounded spike to 4cm long.
Endemic. New Zealand: Chatham Islands (Chatham, Pitt, Mangere, Little Mangere, South-East, Star Keys, Sisters, Forty Fours, and Rabbit Islands –also many near shore rock stacks)
Mostly coastal though can occasionally be found growing well inland on exposed rock outcrops, and common along the shores of Te Whanga. Usually in salt meadow, on cliff tops, on rock stacks, on cobble beaches, more rarely in coastal forest around petrel burrows.
Spreading low shrub often form mats up to 1 m across and 0.25 m tall. Branches prostrate, decumbent or pendent, rooting freely from nodes, old stems brown or grey; branchlets green or red-brown, pubescent; internodes 1.9-25.5 mm. Leaf bud distinct; sinus mostly absent, if present, small and rounded. Leaves erecto-patent to recurved; lamina elliptic, obovate or oblanceolate, coriaceous, flat, 8.5-33.0 × 3.3-16.5 mm; apex subacute to obtuse; margin narrowly cartilaginous, usually glabrous, sometimes pubescent, often red-tinged; upper surface green to dark green, dull, glabrous, occasionally minutely hairy along midrib, lower surface light green, glabrous, rarely hairy along midrib. Inflorescences with 20-40 flowers, lateral, unbranched, 13-41 mm; peduncle 5-20 mm, rachis 2-18 mm. Bracts alternate often with lowermost pair opposite, then subopposite or alternate above, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, acute, margins glabrous, occasionally hairy, usually hairy outside. Flowers hermaphrodite. Pedicels 1.0-2.6 mm. Calyx 2.5-4.0 mm; lobes linear-lanceolate or deltoid, acute, ciliate, usually hairy outside. Corolla tube hairy inside and occasionally outside, 2.5-4.0 × 2.0-2.3 mm, cylindric, usually = or > calyx (rarely < calyx); lobes white, tinged purplish mauve, completely dark purple-mauve, elliptic or ovate, obtuse, patent, shorter than corolla tube, hairy inside, sometimes scarcely, and then only on the base of the inner surface. Stamen filaments 4.0-4.5 mm long; anthers pale brown or pale mauve, 2.0-2.4 mm. Nectarial disc ciliate or glabrous. Ovary sometimes hairy, 1.2-1.5 mm; style 5-6 mm, glabrous or sometimes hairy. Capsules subacute, 3.5-5.0 × 2.5-3.5 mm, glabrous or occasionally minutely hairy, loculicidal split extending to ¼ way to base. Seeds flattened, broad ellipsoid to sub-discoid, brown, 1.2-1.6 × 0.9-1.3 mm.
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