

대효0617 2021. 7. 26. 10:23


오레가노(1) http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7808032


학명 : Origanum vulgare L.

분류 : Lamiaceae

학명 풀이 :

Origanum : brightness of the mountain (Oregano는 속명 Origanum이 스페인어화된 것이다)

vulgare: common


원산지: 지중해  연안 지역


사진 : 2021.07.18 도봉구 거리 화단


연모와 선점이 있다



줄기와 화축 화서지는 자주색이며 털이 밀생한다



양성화의 경우는 화통이 꽃받침 밖으로 초출한다



포가 있고 악의 악치는 삼각상으로 짧다(0.5mm, FOC), 

사진을 보면 포와 꽃받침 모두 상단부가 자주색으로 물들어 있다



암꽃으로 추측된다. 암꽃은 화관이 악통 밖으로 나오지 않는다고 한다




FOC 설명

Origanum vulgare Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 590. 1753.

牛至 niu zhi


Origanum creticum Loureiro; O. normale D. Don; O. vulgare var. formosanum Hayata.


Rhizomes oblique, ± woody. Stems erect or prostrate near base, 25-60 cm, purplish, retrorse pubescent or slightly floccose-pubescent(양털). numerous, leafless near base, lower branches sterile. Petiole 2-7 mm; leaf blade ovate to oblong-ovate, 1-4 × 0.4-1.5 cm, glandular, adaxially shiny green tinged purple, sparsely villous, abaxially densely villous, base broadly cuneate to rounded, margin entire or remotely serrulate, apex obtuse to slightly obtuse. Spikes oblong, ± elongated in fruit; floral leaves mostly sessile, purplish; bracts green or purple, oblong-obovate to obovate or oblanceolate, ca. 5 mm, margin entire, apex acute. Calyx ca. 3 mm, minutely hispid or subglabrous; teeth triangular, ca. 0.5 mm. Corolla purple-red to white, tubular-campanulate, 5-7 mm; tube ca. 5 mm, exserted in bisexual flowers, ca. 3 mm, included in pistillate flowers, sparsely pubescent; upper lip ovate, ca. 1.5 mm, apex 2-lobed; lower lip ca. 2 mm, lobes oblong-ovate. Nutlets brown, ca. 0.6 mm, apex rounded. Fl. Jul-Sep, fr. Oct-Dec.


Hills, grasslands, forests; 500-3600 m. Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia; Africa, Europe, introduced in North America]


A polymorphic species; used medicinally.











위키 설명



Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a species of flowering plant in the mint family Lamiaceae. It was native to the Mediterranean region, but widely naturalised elsewhere in the temperate Northern Hemisphere.

Oregano is a woody perennial plant, growing 2080 cm (831 in) tall, with opposite leaves 14 cm (121+12 in) long. The flowers are purple, 34 mm (18316 in) long, produced in erect spikes in summer. It is sometimes called wild marjoram, and its close relative, O. majorana, is known as sweet marjoram. Both are very widely used as culinary herbs, especially in Italian and French cuisine. Oregano is also an ornamental plant, with numerous cultivars bred for varying leaf colour, flower colour and habit.


Used since the middle 18th century, the Spanish word oregano is derived from the Latin orīganum and ultimately from the Classical Greek ὀρίγανον (orī́ganon). This is a compound Greek term that consists of ὄρος (óros) meaning "mountain", and γάνος (gános) meaning "brightness", thus, "brightness of the mountain".

Description and biology

Oregano is related to the herb marjoram, sometimes being referred to as wild marjoram. It has purple flowers and spade()-shaped, olive-green leaves. It is a perennial, although it is grown as an annual in colder climates, as it often does not survive the winter. Oregano is planted in early spring, the plants being spaced 30 cm (12 in) apart in fairly dry soil, with full sun. It will grow in a pH range between 6.0 (mildly acidic) and 9.0 (strongly alkaline), with a preferred range between 6.0 and 8.0. It prefers a hot, relatively dry climate, but does well in other environments.



Many subspecies and strains(변형, 종류, 긴장) of oregano have been developed by humans over centuries for their unique flavours or other characteristics. Tastes range from spicy or astringent(수렴성의, 엄한) to more complicated and sweet. Simple oregano sold in garden stores as Origanum vulgare may have a bland(풍미없는, 단조로운) taste and larger, less-dense leaves, and is not considered the best for culinary use, with a taste less remarkable and pungent. It can pollinate other more sophisticated strains, but the offspring are rarely better in quality.


The related species, Origanum onites (Greece, Turkey) and O. syriacum (West Asia), have similar flavours. A closely related plant is marjoram from Turkey, which differs significantly in taste though, because phenolic compounds are missing from its essential oil. Some varieties show a flavour intermediate between oregano and marjoram.



Accepted subspecies:


O. v. subsp. glandulosum (Desf.) Ietsw. Tunisia, Algeria

O. v. subsp. gracile (K.Koch) Ietsw. (= O. tyttanthum) has glossy green leaves and pink flowers. It grows well in pots or containers, and is more often grown for added ornamental value than other oregano. The flavor is pungent and spicy.[10] Central Asia, Iran, India, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

O. v. subsp. hirtum (Link) Ietsw. (Italian oregano, Greek oregano) is a common source of cultivars with a different aroma[10] from those of O. v. gracile. Growth is vigorous and very hardy, with darker green, slightly hairy foliage. Generally, it is considered the best all-purpose culinary subspecies. Greece, Balkans, Turkey, Cyprus

O. v. subsp. virens (Hoffmanns. & Link) Ietsw. Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Azores, Madeira

O. v. subsp. viridulum (Martrin-Donos) Nyman widespread from Corsica to Nepal

O. v. subsp. vulgare widespread across Europe + Asia from Ireland to China; naturalized in North America + Venezuela


Cultivars 이하 생략





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