

대효0617 2021. 9. 25. 20:24

2017년 Korean J. Plant Res. 제30권 3호에 실린 논문

A New Record of Adenostemma madurense DC. (Asteraceae) in Korea
Keum Seon Jeong1, Tae Im Heo2, Kang Hyup Lee1, Kyung Choi1 and Hyuk-Jin Kim1*에서 발표된 종이다.


학명: Adenostemma madurense DC.

분류: 국화과

일어명: オカダイコン(岡大根)


사진 : 2018.09.15 제주도






Herbs, annual, 30-150cm tall. Stems erect, or lower part of stem rooting, solitary, rigid,

unbranched or branched upper part, white puberulent. Leaves 8-12, cauline, remote;

basal leaves withered before anthesis; median leaves large; petiole narrowly winged, 5-10cm; broadly ovate or ovate-oblong, 15-21cm long, 7-12 cm wide, both surfaces sparsely

puberulent or glabrescent, glabrose or rarely pilose on veins, apex acute or obtuse, base

broadly or narrowly cuneate, margin obtusely toothed; upper leaves ovate-oblong, ovate or oblong, smaller than lower leaves , shortlypetiolate; Capitula few, small, in alax or dense

corymb or panicle; peduncle slender, 0.8-4cm, gray white or ferruginous puberulent;

involucre hemispheric, 4-5 X 6-7.5 mm , to 7mm in diam. at fruiting; phyllaries 2-seriate,

green, equal, narrowly elliptic, thin, submembranous, outer phyllaries mostly connate, white

villous, apex obtuse; corollas 1.5cm long, densely hairy.Achenes blackish brown when

mature, oblanceolate, irregularly subtriangular, 3-3.5mm long, smooth, slightly glandular

muricate at the upper part. sometimes contracted at base, apex obtuse; pappus 3 or 4 thick spreading setae.ca. 0.7mm long. (Fig. 1,3)



종하 분류군 검색표


1. Stem divaricately branched ; Leaves blade elliptic-lanceolate to elliptic, 4-7 X 3-5cm;

both surfaces sparsely puberulent. Achenes tuberculate and muricate

........................................................ A. lavenia 물머위

1. Stem simple, solitary; Leaves broadly ovate or ovate-oblong, 15-21 cm long, 7-12cm

wide, both surfaces sparsely puberulent or glabrescent;

Achenes smooth, slightly muricate at the upper part

........................................................ A. madurense 산물머위






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