학명 : Calliandra haematocephala Hassk.
분류 : 콩과(Fabaceae)
학명 풀이
Calliandra : 수술이 아름다운
haematocephala : From the Greek haima, (blood) and kephale (head); referring to the flower color
국내 유통명 : 홍자귀나무, 붉은분첩나무
사진 : 2023.01.27 서울식물원
표지판이 잘못되어 있다 . 맨 아래 참조
아레래 : 2022.03.01 서울식물원

아래 : 2023.01.18 세종수목원
아래 : 2023.02.15 서울식물원
Rambling shrub or small tree with branched pinnate, silky leaves and powder-puff-like balls of conspicuous dark crimson stamens. Calliandra haematocephala is a fast growing shrub that can grow tall but also spreads wide. If desired it can be kept smaller by trimmed. Interesting enough the leaves close at night. The red powder puff flower are attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds but only appear from November -April. The buds before the flowers open look like raspberries. This large shrub can be grown indoor if trimmed and grown in a pot but it will be best if you can grow it outside in a warm climate.
위에 소개한 서울식물원 홍자귀나무 아래에 안채 팻말에는 Calliandra surinamensis Benth.로 되어 있는데
C, surinamensis는 아래와 같이 생겼다
사진 출처 : Wikipedia
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