학명 : Microbiota decussata Kom.
분류 : Cupressaceae
사진: 2022.03.01 서울식물원
Native Range: Southeastern Siberia
Height: 0.50 to 1.50 feet
Spread: 3.00 to 12.00 feet
Noteworthy Characteristics
Microbiota decussata, commonly called Siberian cypress or Russian arborvitae, is a dwarf, evergreen conifer endemic to the Sikhote-Alin mountains of far-eastern Russia where it grows above the timberline on bald peaks. It forms a shrubby ground cover to 8-18” tall with indefinitely spreading stems that nod at the tips. May spread to as much as 10-12’. Feathery, soft-textured, scale-like (infrequently awl-shaped) foliage is arranged in flat, fan-like sprays reminiscent of arborvitae (Thuja). Plants also resemble in habit some of the horizontal junipers. Foliage is bright green in summer changing to bronze-purple in fall and winter. Fruits are tiny, spherical, berry-like cones (to 0.25” diameter) with woody scales.
Genus name comes from the Greek micro meaning "small" and Biota, an obsolete name for the related genus Platycladus.
The specific epithet decussata refers to the decussate arrangement of the foliage. The opposite pairs of scale-like leaves are held at right angles to the pairs above and below.
The common names for this plant refer to its native range and its shared physical characteristics with other plants in the cypress family.