선인장과 다육식물

Fenestraria aurantiaca(오십령옥 五十鈴玉)

대효0617 2022. 3. 7. 15:03

학명 : Fenestraria aurantiaca N.E.Br.

학명 이명 : Fenestraria rhopalophylla subsp. aurantiaca (N.E.Br.) H.E.K.Hartmann

분류 : 석류풀과(Aizoaceae)

학명 풀이 :
Fenestraria : derived from fenestra, the Latin word for “window”
rhopalophylla means : “club-leaved” (“rhopalon” means “club” in Greek).

aurantiaca : orange-red colored

국내 유통명 : 오십령옥 五十鈴玉


사진 : 2022.03.06  한택수목원



F. aurantiaca is an amazing dwarf succulent belonging to the Aizoaceae botanical family. The plant is stemless or with a very short one, the roots are shallow and thick. The leaves are fleshy, club-shaped with a convex apex and are smooth and covered with a waxy layer. The leaves are pale green and the tip is darker because without chlorophyll. The leaves store oxalic acid in crystalline form, this allows the light to be transported to the underground parts of the plant dedicated to photosynthesis. Blooming occurs from autumn to early spring and the flower blooms showing beautiful golden-yellow tones. The flowers have five sepals and many petals and are carried by long stalks.


퍼온 꽃 사진

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