

대효0617 2022. 3. 10. 21:54

학명 : Cyperus alternifolius L.

분류 : Cyperaceae


파피루스와 종려방동사니 http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7807866



표지판에는 파피루스로 되어 있지만 종려방동사니이다

사진 : 2022.0310. 물향기수목원





종려방동사니와 파피루스의 구별(한국식물학회지 2021.제51권 4호)


1. Culms 1-5 m tall;

   Inflorescences with 30-100 primary branches, arching;

   involucral leafy bracts 4-10, much shorter than inflorescences;

   second leafy bracts 2-5, longer than ultimate spikes;

   styles much shorter than achnes 

   ....................................................     C. papyrus 파피루스

1.  Culms 0.5-1.5 m tall;

    Inflorescences with 10-20 primary branches, ascending or spreading;

    involucral leafy bracts 10-20, twice as long as inflorescences;

    second leafy bracts absent;

    styles as long as achnes  

    ............................................   C, alternifolius 종려방동사니

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