
Eryngium planum

대효0617 2022. 8. 21. 19:42

학명 : Eryngium planum L.

분류 : 산형과(Apiaceae)


학명 풀이

Eryngium : From the Greek eryngion, meaning sea holly(에린기움속의 다년초); may also come from the Greek for Eructate as it was used to treat flatulence(위장에 가스 차는 증세)

planum : flat

국내유통명 : 서양절굿대
중국어명 : 扁叶刺芹



사진 : 2022.08.20 화성우리꽃식물원





아래 : 2022.08.23 푸른수목원





아래 : 2024.06.14 파주출판도시










Eryngium planum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 233. 1753.

扁叶刺芹 bian ye ci qin


Plants 70100 cm high. Taproot stout, woody; crown clothed with fibrous residues of leaf sheaths. Stem gray-white to purple. Basal leaves several; petiole 613 cm; blade narrowly elliptic-ovate, 58.5 × 2.55 cm, palmately 79-nerved, prominent on both surfaces, base cordate, margin coarsely toothed, teeth mucronate to short spinulose. Upper leaves sessile, shallowly to deeply 35-parted, lobes lanceolate, margin 14-spinulose-serrate. Inflorescence 14-trifurcate, heads terminal on branches. Flower heads round-ovoid, 815 × 713 mm; bracts 56, linear or lanceolate, margin 12-spinulose-serrate, apex acute; bracteoles linear or subulate, ca. 5 mm, as long as calyx teeth. Calyx teeth ovate, 22.3 × ca. 1.2 mm. Petals pale blue. Styles erect, ca. 2.5 mm. Fruit long-ellipsoid or subglobose, 33.5 × 1.51.8 mm, flattened dorsally, clothed with white, narrow long scales. Fl. and fr. JulAug.


Ruderal of disturbed habitats; 5001500 m. Xinjiang (Altay, Kukesu, Tacheng) [Kashmir, Russia (W Siberia); C and SW Asia, C and S Europe].

위키에서 퍼온 사진

출처 Eryngium planum bgiu - Eryngium planum - Wikipedia

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