학명 : Stromanthe sanguinea Sond.
품종명 : Triostar
분류 : Marantaceae
사진 : 2023.01.13 부천식물원
모야모에 문의했더니 Stromanthe Multicolor로 답이 왔으나 검색을 해보니 아래 사이트에서 Multicolor 보다는 Triostar로 보인다. 잎의 색깔도 뒷면 심홍색 윗면은 녹색과 흰색으로 3가지라 Triostar라는 이름과 부합한다.
Stomanthe와 Calathea 차이 설명 사이트
Calathea vs Stromanthe: Differences, Similarities Explained | UnAssaggio
Today I will focus on Stromanthe, a family of arrowroots. The homeland of these plants is the tropics of America. And in nature, they can be counted as about 15 species.
It should also be said that Stromanthe is often confused with Calathea. And some botanists do not at all distinguish Stromanthe into a separate genus and do not share it with Calathea.
Stromanthe is a tall plant, up to 1 m tall, leaves about 20-30 cm long, narrowly oval, or lanceolate.
So, in indoor gardening, you can find Stromanthe Multicolor, Horticolor, Magic color, Triostar, and Wild Form or Thalia. The color of the leaves will help you distinguish these varieties from each other. Some have wide light stripes and spots on the upper side, others have only a light stripe along the central vein, but all have a purple-red underside of the leaf and petioles.
Side note, I have 4 species except for the Wild Form and to be honest all of them have crispy tips. I've accepted it and don't do much to let it go. Below I'm talking about the most common issues and how to solve them including crispy tips.
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