
길상초(吉祥草)(비교 :불경에 나오는 길상초)

대효0617 2023. 2. 1. 21:34


학명 : Reineckea carnea (Andrews) Kunth

분류 : (구) Lliliaceae/ (신)  Asparagaceae

중국어명 :  吉祥草

일어명 : キチジョウソウ(吉祥草)


분포  : 중국, 일본



사진 : 023.01.19 강원도립화목원


이 풀은 중국과 일본에 분포하기 때문에 부처님께서 깨달음의 자리에 나아가기 전  좌선을 위해 깔은 길상초(벼과)와는 다른 풀이다. 국내 인터넷에 잘못 소개된 경우들이 보인다  또 법주사 창건 설화에 진표율사가 길상초가 피어 있는 곳에 법주사를 세웠다고 하나 위에서 본 것처럼 길상초는 중국과 일본에만 분포하므로 법주사 창건 설화에 나오는 길상초는 다른 풀로 추정된다.  






아래 : 2023.11.12 춘천 강원도립화목원











위키 설명


Reineckea is a genus of plants in the Nolinoideae. Several species names have been proposed within the genus, but only one is widely accepted: Reineckea carnea, native to China and Japan.[1][2][3]


Reineckea is named for J. Reinecke, a German grower of tropical plants.[4]





불경에 나오는 길상초


학명 : Desmostachya bipinnata (L.) Stapf

분류 : Poaceae


Desmostachya bipinnata, commonly known as halfa grass, big cordgrass, and salt reed-grass,[3] is an Old World perennial grass, long known and used in human history. The grass is tall, tufted, leafy, perennial grass, branching from the base, erect from a stout creeping rootstock.[4]



Desmostachya bipinnata is native to northeast and west tropical, and northern Africa (in Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, Mauritania, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia); and countries in the Middle East, and temperate and tropical Asia (in Afghanistan, China, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Thailand).[5]


In agriculture, Desmostachya bipinnata is a weed commonly found in wheat crops.[6]



On the basis of distinct morphological and reproductive characters, four new subspecies of D. bipinnata have been described by Pandeya and Pandeya (2002). However, it is uncertain whether these subspecies represent actual genetic differences, the authors also note the existence of different biotypes occurring in response to soil and climatic conditions in western India. The four subspecies proposed are:


D. bipinnata longispiculata;

D. bipinnata jodhpurensis;

D. bipinnata sheelai;

D. bipinnata agraensis.


Religious significance

See also: Kusha grass

Desmostachya bipinnata has long been used in various traditions (Hindus, Jains and Buddhists) as a very sacred plant. According to early Buddhist accounts, it was the material used by Buddha for his meditation seat when he attained enlightenment.[7] It is mentioned in the Rig Veda for use in sacred ceremonies and also as a seat for priests and the gods.[8] Kusha grass is specifically recommended by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita as part of the ideal seat for meditation.[9][10][11]



In folk medicine, Desmostachya bipinnata has been used to treat dysentery and menorrhagia, and as a diuretic.[12]


In arid regions, Desmostachya bipinnata is used as fodder for livestock.[5]


desmostachya bipinnata - Yahoo Search Results



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