선인장과 다육식물


대효0617 2023. 2. 4. 13:32

학명 : Grusonia invicta (K.Brandegee) E.F.Anderson

Family: Cactaceae


Corynopuntia invicta (Brandegee) F.M.Knuth 

Opuntia invicta Brandegee

Common Names :

Rat House (for the rodents who build their burrows() under this plant), Club Cholla, Devil Cholla, Dagger Cholla, Horse Crippler

일어명 : 武者団扇

구내 유통명 : 무자단선 



사진 : 2023.01.19 강원도립화목원





Origin and Habitat: Grusonia invicta (Corynopuntia invicta) . Vizcaíno Desert Region to just north of the Cape Region. Central Baja California, Mexico. This species is fairly common and there are definitely more than 10,000 mature individuals.

Altitude range: from sea level to 200 metres above sea level.

Habitat: This species grows in silty, sandy, or gravelly soil at low elevation near the coast in Sarcocaul shrubland. In some part of its range it grows among Echinocereus brandegeei and Echinocereus hancockii this three species look remarkably like one to each other. The adaptive value of this convergence (if any) is unknown. It is a widespread and abundant species with no threats. It is extremely spiny and very hardy.

Description: Grusonia invicta (Corynopuntia invicta) is a mat forming cactus that grows approximately 20-50 cm high and up to 2 m across (or more) with stout stems and very broad formidable spines.

Stems: Jointed, deep green ascending or spreading. Segments obovoid to club-shaped, up to 12 cm long. Strongly tuberculate.

Tubercles: Large, flattened laterally, 3-4 cm long.

Areoles: Large up to 1,5 cm in diameter with white wool.




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