
Heliconia aemygdiana

대효0617 2023. 2. 11. 06:39

학명 : Heliconia aemygdiana Burle-Marx

분류 : Heliconiaceae




사진 : 2023.02.05 부천수피아식물원









잎이 바나나 잎처럼 넓다고 설명되어 있다





Heliconia aemygdiana is a medium sized erect heliconia, 5-10 feet tall. It is widely distributed over South America. Produces up to 14 colorful, erect bracts, rose-purple with some yellow. The true flowers are apple green. Fruits are large and round, green when immature and an attractive glossy blue color when ripe. Broad, banana- type leaves. The Heliconia's bracts are so large and colorful that they almost hide the flowers altogether, which are tiny and are found inside these bracts. Will bloom in a pot. But to flower in its second or third year you would need to keep the plant warm enough during Winter to prevent the top growth dying back to the rhizomes. The plant would regenerate itself the next Spring, because the tuber would have survived. Blooms from May through August. If in reasonable conditions, it blooms all year. Hardiness zones 9-11, (5øC/40øF,-5øC/25øF) in Winter. Heliconia aemygdiana seems to be rather tolerant to cool weather and grow well in Subtropical conditions. In general, Heliconias are evergreen in the Tropics and warm Subtropics, like zone 10. Further north, upper zone 9 and lower zone 8, they may be frozen back to the ground each Winter but survive to resprout the next Spring. Recommended temperature 25øC. Provide warmth and high humidity. Can take full sun and semi shade. Needs rich soil containing peat moss, organic matter and coarse sand, and regular fertilizer. Use palm tree fertilizer and plant in well drained soil. It is really thirsty, water freely during growing months and moderately in Winter. Keep soil evenly moist, but do not overwater making the soil too soggy.







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