

대효0617 2023. 2. 13. 08:22


학명 : Hyophorbe lagenicaulis (L.H.Bailey) H.E.Moore

분류 : Arecaceae

학명 풀이

Hyophorbe : From the Greek, meaning pig fruit

lagenicaulis : Bottle stem

Common Name : bottle palm

국표식 등재국명 : 병야자

다른 국내 유통영 : 호리병야자; 주병야자

일어명 : トックリヤシ(酒瓶椰子) 

중국어명 : 酒瓶椰



사진 : 2023.02.05 부천수피아식물원







아래 : 2023.02.15 서울식물원







아래 : 2023.02.23 인천대공원








아래 : 2023..01.31 대전한밭수목원
















1) Wikipedia 설명


Hyophorbe lagenicaulis, the bottle palm or palmiste gargoulette, is a species of flowering plant in the family Arecaceae. It is native to Round Island, Mauritius.




Hyophorbe lagenicaulis showing enlarged trunk and roots

Bottle palm has a large swollen (sometimes bizarrely so) trunk. It is a myth that the trunk is a means by which the palm stores water. Bottle palms have only four to six leaves open at any time. The leaves of young palms have a red or orange tint, but a deep green is assumed at maturity. The flowers of the palm arise from under the crownshaft.


This species is often confused with its relative, the Spindle Palm, which also has a swollen trunk. But the Spindle palm's trunk swells in the middle (resembling the shape of a spindle), whereas the trunk of the Bottle palm swells from near the base and tapers further up. Its inflorescence branches in 4 orders, and its 2.5 cm fruits can be orange or black. The trunk of both species becomes more and more slender as the palm ages.


On Mauritius, the only other extant Hyophorbe species is the common Hyophorbe vaughanii. The Bottle palm can be distinguished from this species by its swollen trunk when young; by its much smaller (2.5 cm) orange or black fruits; and by its inflorescence, which branches in four orders rather than three.[2]


Distribution and habitat

The bottle palm is naturally endemic to Round Island, off the coast of Mauritius. While habitat destruction may destroy the last remaining palms in the wild, the survival of the species is assured due to its ubiquitous planting throughout the tropics and subtropics as a specimen plant. It is one of three Hyophorbe species which naturally occur in Mauritius, and one of only two that are still extant.



Bottle palms are very cold sensitive and are killed at 0 °C (32 °F) or colder for any appreciable length of time. They may survive a brief, light frost, but will have foliage damage. Only southern Florida and Hawaii provide safe locations in the US to grow Bottle Palm, although mature flowering specimens may be occasionally be seen in favored microclimates around Cape Canaveral and Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater in coastal central Florida. It makes a fine container-grown palm in other locations as long as it is protected from the cold and not overwatered.


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Hyophorbe lagenicaulis - Wikipedia




2) Palmpedia 설명


This little dwarf of a palm will grow slowly to a height of 10-12 ft (3.1-3.7 m). The solitary trunk is grotesquely swollen and looks as if it were cast in smooth grey concrete. The trunk is a rounded bulge in young specimens and gradually elongates and flattens somewhat as the palm matures. These oldtimer bottle palms can be seen at Miami's Fairchild Tropical Garden. A small crown consisting of 4 to 8 pinnate (feather-like) leaves sits atop a smooth green crownshaft that connects the leaves to the trunk. The upwardly arching leaves grow to about 10 ft (3.1 m) in length in mature specimens. Leaflets are about 2 ft (0.6 m) long and arranged in two upward pointing rows. The inflorescences emerge at the point where the crownshaft meets the trunk. They grow upward as they mature supporting numerous male and female small white flowers on the same stalk. The female flowers are followed by 1 in (2.5 cm) round fruits which change from green to black as they mature. Hyophorbe lagenicaulis has a single trunk up to 20 ft (6 m) tall, about 2 ft in diameter with ring scars and green crownshaft at the top. The gray, self-cleaning trunk is bottle shaped, hence the name Bottle Palm. The Bottle Palm has a small crown of 4-6 4 to 8 pinnate, or feather-like, leaves that can grow up to 10 ft. It has 140 leaflets arranged in two upward pointing rows which grow to about 2 ft long. Flowers/Fruits: The Bottle Palm produces beautiful white flowers that are held by 30 in. stalks coming from below the crownshaft. Flowers are monoecious, male and female flowers on the same inflorescence. Flowers are followed by green black berry like fruits that turn black when ripe. Oval shaped fruit is around 1.5 inches long and contains a single seed inside. (floridata.com) Editing by edric.


This tree is slow growing but can reach heights that range from 12 to 20 feet. It grows best in full sunlight but can tolerate moderate shade. The pinnately compound leaves or fronds can grow to 12 feet long and are attached to a 10-inch petiole or stem. Its slender, lance-shaped leaflets are dark green, approximately 2 feet long, and grow opposite from one another to form a "V" shape on the rachis or middle of the frond. The trunk is smooth, light gray to almost white, and when young has a noticeably swollen base that becomes less pronounced and elongated as it matures. On top of the trunk sits a bright green crownshaft (from which the fronds emerge) that has a smooth, waxy surface and can reach 2 to 3 feet in height. Heavily branched flower inflorescences encircle the trunk just below the crownshaft and can reach lengths of 3 feet. Male and female flowers occur on the same inflorescence and are white or cream colored. Fruits are one inch in diameter and turn from green to black as they ripen. (edis.ifas.ufl.edu)


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