선인장과 다육식물

Agave schidigera

대효0617 2023. 2. 25. 10:41


학명 : Agave schidigera Lem.

분류 : Asparagaceae


사진 : 2023.02.03. 광릉수목원




실유카로 생각하고 대강 찍었는데 표찰 학명이 실유카 학명  Yucca filamentosa L.이 아니다








Agave schidigera, also known as Agave filifera subsp. schidigera, is a slow-growing succulent that forms a large basal rosette of thick fleshy leaves. The rosette grows up to 1 foot (30 cm) tall and up to 2 feet (60 cm) in diameter. Leaves are green with coarse margins, very sharp tips, and white marginal hair-like filaments. When blooms, the rosette sends up a stout, erect, up to 10 feet (3 m) tall flowering stalk from the center. Flowers are greenish-yellow and borne in panicles at the end of the branches. Once the rosette flowers, it dies.


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