
Calathea lutea

대효0617 2023. 3. 4. 09:54

학명 : Calathea lutea (Aubl.) E.Mey. ex Schult.

분류 : 마란타과(Marantaceae)

학명 풀이

Calathea  : A basket, referring to form of inflorescence

lutea  : yellow


사진 : 2023.02.15 서울식물원






아래 : 2024.03.10 서울식물원







Wikipedia  설명


Calathea lutea, called the bijao, cigar calathea, Cuban cigar, Mexican cigar plant, Habana cigar, and pampano, is a species of flowering plant in the family Marantaceae.[2] It is native to southern Mexico, Central America, southern Caribbean islands, and tropical South America.[1] A rhizomatous perennial reaching 3 m (10 ft), it is typically found in wet tropical areas.[2] Its leaves are sold for use in local cuisines as food wrappers, and it is also used as an ornamental.[2]



위키페디아에서  퍼온 사진





















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