
선녀무(Kalanchoe beharensis)

대효0617 2023. 3. 11. 22:50




학명 : Kalanchoe beharensis Drake

분류 : Crassulaceae

일어명 : 仙女

중국어명 : 仙女之舞

국내 유통명 : 선녀무



Common Name :   elephant's ear kalanchoe, felt bush,



사진 : 2023.02.28  부천식물원





아래 : 2023.02.25 서울대공원







아래 것은 선녀무 찍을 때  같이 있던  것인데 선녀무의 열매? 아니면 다른  종류?









Kalanchoe beharensis (commonly known as elephant's ear kalanchoe, felt bush, or feltbush) is a plant species in the succulent genus Kalanchoe, and the family Crassulaceae. Kalanchoe beharensis is native to Madagascar[1] known by local names mongy, rongy and tavitavy.[2]


Plant structure

Kalanchoe beharensis is an evergreen shrub, 35 ft (12 m) tall.[3] The stem is about 1.5 m (4.9 ft) long, slender and knotted. Leaves are olive green, triangular-lanceolate shaped, decussately arranged (pairs at right-angles to each other) with leaf margins that are doubly crenate (crinkled). Each leaf is about 10 cm (4 in) long and 510 cm (24 in) wide. The bottoms of the leaves are glabrous (smooth and glossy), and covered with a woolly hair towards the apex. The leaf hairs are brown, and the tips of the teeth are darker. The hairs on the stem, younger leaves, and petioles (leaf stalks) are white. A sign of older leaves is concavity on the upper surface. Inflorescences are 5060 cm (2024 in) high, forming a branched corymb. Flowers are on short pedicels (stalks). The calyx is 7 mm long with lobes that are oblong and acuminate (tapering to a point). The corolla tube is urn-shaped and 7 mm long.[4] Blooming occurs from spring to summer, and flowers are small and yellowish.[5]


The types of trichome present on the leaves of Kalanchoe vary among the different species. The different types of trichomes are an indicator of adaptation to a particular environment. On the leaf blade of K. beharensis there are trichomes of the non-glandular, bushy three-branched type. This type of trichome is dead, with evidence of tannin. K. beharensis trichomes are also characterized by striped cuticular ornamentation on their surface. Glandular trichomes are also present on the leaves, with more on petioles than on leaf blades, and more on the top of the leaf as opposed to the bottom.[6]




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