국립생태원에서 인도사군자로 명명한 것을 사군자로 바로잡는다
학명 : Quisqualis indica Linnaeus
Synonym : Combretum indicum (Linnaeus) DeFilipps
분류 : Combretaceae
Common Name : Rangoon creeper; Burma Creeper
국표식 등재명 : 사군자
국립생태원 소개 국명 : 인도사군자
* '인도사군자'로 부르는 것은 불필요하다 FOC에서는 국표식에서 퀴스쿠알리스 인디카'로 등재한 Quisqualis indica Linnaeus 를 使君子로 부르기 때문이다. 국립생태원에서 Combretum속으로 하였으나 Combretum속은 FOC에서
风车子属으로 부르고 있으며 사군자속인 Quisqualis와는 아래 검색표와 같은 차이가 있다
사진 : 2024.01.26 서천국립생테원
아래 : 2024.04.20 서천 국립생태원
아래 : 2024.07.12 서천국립생태원
사군자는 악통이 5-9cm로 길고 수술은 악통에서 나오지 않거나 근소하게 초출한다
풍차자속Combretum 속은 악통이 2cm 미만으로 짧고 수술은 악통에서 길게 초출한다
아래 캐논 사진
FNA 설명
Combretum indicum (Linnaeus) DeFilipps, Useful Pl. Dominica. 277. 1998.
[F I]
Rangoon creeper
Quisqualis indica Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 1: 556. 1762
Shrubs or lianas climbing, to 6 m. Leaves: petiole 5–20 mm; blade elliptic to oblong-elliptic to slightly obovate, 4–18.5 × 1.5–9 cm, base obtuse to slightly cordate, surfaces glabrate to densely pubescent, hairs combretaceous, and also scattered, inconspicuous, short-stalked, gland-tipped. Spikes 1.3–6[–12.5] cm. Flowers: sepals 1–3 mm; stamens 4–7.5 mm; style 10–20 mm (not including portion adnate to hypanthium). Drupes red, 25–40 × 7.5–14 mm, glabrous or sparsely glandular-pubescent. 2n = 22, 24, 26.
Flowering spring–summer. Disturbed habitats; 0–20 m; introduced; Fla.; Asia (India to New Guinea); introduced also widely in Neotropics.
Combretum indicum has been found in Broward, Highlands, and Miami-Dade counties.
Combretum indicum is cultivated in warm regions for its beautiful and fragrant flowers, which have petals that are white when the flowers open and change to pink and then deep red as the day progresses. This species (and relatives) often have been placed in the genus Quisqualis, a name derived from the Latin “quis” (who?) and “qualis” (what?), alluding to the initial uncertain taxonomic placement of the genus, or possibly in astonishment at its variable habit or the distinctive color change. The approximately 17 species of the Quisqualis clade are closely related to species of Combretum subg. Cacoucia (Aublet) Exell & Stace, which have similar gland-tipped hairs (C. A. Stace 2007, 2010), and recognition of this group of species at the generic level would render Combretum non-monophyletic (O. Maurin et al. 2010).
Wikipedia 설명
Combretum indicum, also commonly known as the Rangoon creeper[4] or Burma creeper,[2] is a vine with red flower clusters which is native to tropical Asia and grows in thickets, primary and secondary forest, and along river banks in the Indian subcontinent, Malaysia and the Philippines.[1]: 547 It has since been cultivated and naturalized in tropical areas such as Burma, Vietnam, and Thailand.
This plant is grown as an ornament.[5][2]
The Rangoon creeper is a ligneous vine that can reach from 2.5 meters to up to 8 meters. The leaves are elliptical with an acuminate tip and a rounded base. They grow from 7 to 15 centimeters and their arrangement is opposite.
Flowers and fruit
The flowers are tubular, consisting of oblong petals 6–8 mm long. They are fragrant and have long receptacles to adapt for pollinators with long tongues.[1]: 547–548
They change in colour with age and it is thought that this is a strategy to gather more pollinators. The flower is initially white and opens at dusk to attract hawkmoths. On the second day it turns pink, and on the third it turns red attracting day flying bees and birds. The flower also changes from a horizontal orientation to a drooping pose.[6]: 175 [1]: 548
The 30 to 35 mm long fruit is dark brown, ellipsoidal and has five stiff and prominent wings. The seed tastes like almond or coconut when mature.[1]: 547
Potential toxicity
The seeds of this and related species, Quisqualis fructus and Q. chinensis, contain the chemical quisqualic acid, which is an agonist for the AMPA receptor, a kind of glutamate receptor in the brain. The chemical is linked to excitotoxicity (cell death).[7][8] The seeds have been used for treating roundworm and pinworm.[citation needed] It is toxic to the parasite and kills it in the digestive tract.[citation needed]
Dr John Ivor Murray sent a sample of the "nuts" to the Museum of Economic Botany in Edinburgh in 1861, with a note that they were "used by the Chinese for worms" and a description of the means of preparation and dosage.[9]
Combretum 과 Quiscalis의 구별(FOC 검색표)
1. Calyx tube (1.7-)5-9 cm;
stamens not or scarcely exserted from calyx tube;
style partly adnate to inside of calyx tube.
.................... Quisqualis 사군자(使君子)속
1. Calyx tube usually shorter than 2 cm;
stamens usually exserted from calyx tube;
style not adnate to inside of calyx tube.
......................... Combretum 風車子속
위키의 사진
FOC 세밀화로 본 사군자속Quiscalis과 풍차자속Combretum의 비교
1) 사군자 세밀화
2) 풍차자속(Combretum) 세밀화 예시