

대효0617 2024. 2. 14. 21:01

학명 : Pinus × rigitaeda S.K.Hyun & Ahn

분류 : 소나무과(Pinaceae)



리기다소나무 Pinus rigida Mill.와 테에다소나무 Pinus taeda L.의 교잡종으로 현신규 박사에 의해 육종된 품종이다



사진 : 2024.02.02 수원일월수목원









Leaf: Evergreen needles, 4 to 6 inches long, with three somewhat twisted needles per fascicle, yellow-green to green.

Flower: Species is monoecious; males cylindrical, red to yellow, in large clusters at twig tips; females yellow to red.

Fruit: Cones are ovoid, 3 to 5 inches long, light brown in color; umbo is armed with a short, stout prickle; maturing in fall.

Twig: Orange-brown and moderately stout; buds narrowly ovoid, light gray-brown.

Bark: Dark and scaly when young, developing red-brown or yellow-brown thick flat plates with deep furrows; sprouts of needles may be present.

Form: Extremely variable; short and poorly formed on poor sites, but can be a straight, medium sized tree reachin 80 feet tall on better sites; epicormic sprouting can be seen.

Looks like: pitch pine - loblolly pine




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