학명 : Anas crecca Linnaeus
분류 : 기러기목 오리과
영어명 : Common Teal
사진 : 2024.02.23 도봉구 중랑천
아래 : 2024.02.27 하계 중랑천
아래 : 2024..02.28 석계 중랑천
설명 위키페디아
The Eurasian teal is one of the smallest extant dabbling ducks(수면성 오리류: dabble: 첨벙 처넣다 . 잠방거리다) at 34–43 cm (13–17 in) length and with an average weight of 360 g (13 oz) in drake (수오리; males) and 340 g (12 oz) in hens (females). The wings are 17.5–20.4 cm (6.9–8.0 in) long, yielding a wingspan of 53–59 cm (21–23 in). The bill measures 3.2–4 cm (1.3–1.6 in) in length, and the tarsus* 2.8–3.4 cm (1.1–1.3 in).[3][17]
*용어 설명 tarsus: 부척골(跗蹠骨 :정강이뼈와 발가락 사이)
From a distance, the drakes in nuptial plumage(번식우, 생식깃; 장식깃, 치렛깃) appear grey, with a dark head, a yellowish behind, and a white stripe running along the flanks. Their head and upper neck is chestnut, with a wide and iridescent dark green patch of half-moon- or teardrop-shape that starts immediately before the eye and arcs to the upper hindneck. The patch is bordered with thin yellowish-white lines, and a single line of that colour extends from the patch's forward end, curving along the base of the bill. The breast is buff(담황색) with small round brown spots. The center of the belly is white, and the rest of the body plumage is mostly white with thin and dense blackish vermiculations*, appearing medium grey even at a short distance. The outer scapular(어깨) feathers are white, with a black border to the outer vanes(날개), and form the white side-stripe when the bird is in resting position. The primary remiges(깃털) are dark greyish brown; the speculum feathers are iridescent blackish-green with white tips, and form the speculum together with the yellowish-white tips of the larger upperwing coverts* (which are otherwise grey). The underwing is whitish, with grey remiges, dense dark spotting on the inner coverts and a dark leading edge. The tail and tail coverts are black, with a bright yellowish-buff triangular patch in the center of the coverts at each side.[17]
* 용어
Vermiculation :
Vermiculation is a surface pattern of dense but irregular lines, so called from the Latin vermiculus meaning "little worm" because the shapes resemble worms, worm-casts(지렁이똥), or worm tracks in mud or wet sand. The word may be used in a number of contexts for patterns that have little in common. The adjective vermiculated is more often used than the noun.
covert : any of the feathers covering the bases of the main flight or tail feathers of a bird
In non-breeding (eclipse) plumage, the drake looks more like the hen; it is more uniform in colour, with a dark head and vestigial(흔적이 남아 있는) facial markings. The hen itself is yellowish-brown, somewhat darker on wings and back. It has a dark greyish-brown upper head, hindneck, eyestripe and feather pattern. The pattern is dense short streaks on the head and neck, and scaly spots on the rest of the body; overall they look much like a tiny mallard (A. platyrhynchos) hen when at rest. The wings are coloured similar to the drake's, but with brown instead of grey upperwing coverts that have less wide tips, and wider tips of the speculum feathers. The hen's rectrices(꽁지깃) have yellowish-white tips; the midbelly is whitish with some dark streaking.[17]
Immatures are coloured much like hens, but have a stronger pattern. The downy young are coloured like in other dabbling ducks: brown above and yellow below, with a yellow supercilium. They are recognizable by their tiny size however, weighing just 15 g (0.53 oz) at hatching.[3][17][18]
The drake's bill is dark grey, in eclipse plumage often with some light greenish or brownish hue at the base. The bill of hens and immatures is pinkish or yellowish at the base, becoming dark grey towards the tip; the grey expands basewards as the birds age. The feet are dark grey in males and greyish olive or greyish-brown in females and immatures. The iris is always brown.[17]
Moults during summer. Male in eclipse resembles female, but with darker upperparts and grey bill. Flight feathers are moulted simultaneously and birds are flightless for up to 4 weeks.[19]
This is a noisy species. The male whistles cryc or creelycc, not loud but very clear and far-carrying. The female has a feeble keh or neeh quack. [17]
Males in nuptial plumage are distinguished from green-winged teals by the horizontal white scapular stripe, the lack of a vertical white bar at the breast sides, and the quite conspicuous light outlines of the face patch, which are indistinct in the green-winged teal drake. Males in eclipse plumage, females and immatures are best recognised by their small size, calls, and the speculum; they are hard to tell apart from the green-winged teal however.[17]
아래는쇠오리 퍼온 사진
출처 : wikipedia
학명 : Anas carolinensis Gmelin
학명 이명 : Anas crecca carolinensis
영어명 : Green-winged teal 또는 American teal
국명 : 미국쇠오리(아메리카쇠오리)
위키페디아 사진
위키페디아 사진
2종의 차이점 정리
미국쇠오리 수컷은 가슴 옆에 흰색 세로 줄무늬가 있다. 반면 쇠오리 수컷은 옆구리에 흰색 가로 줄무늬가 있다.
미국쇠오리는 쇠오리와 달리 눈 주변의 흰색 선이 거의 없다.
청둥오리와 쇠오리 비교
청둥오리 | 쇠오리 | |
수컷 부리 | 노란색 | 검은색 |
수컷 다리 | 노란색 | 회갈색 |
암컷 부리 | 노란색 또는 부리 기부와 부리 끝은 검은색 |
전체가 검은색 |
암컷 머리 검은 횡선 (관찰 소견) |
부리 기부에서 눈 뒤를 거쳐 뒷머리까지 |
눈 뒤에서 뒷머리까지 |
퍼온 암컷 사진 비교
1) 청둥오리
2) 쇠오리