
Haworthia cymbiformis

대효0617 2024. 3. 13. 18:02


학명 : Haworthia cymbiformis (Haw.) Duval

분류 : (구) 백합과(Liliaceae )/(신) 아스포델루스과(Asphodelaceae)


사진 : 2023.03.04 광릉수목원






로제트상의 잎이 보트 모양(cymbiformis)이고 백색의 세로줄이 있는 점이 특징이다








Wikipedia 설명


Haworthia cymbiformis is a species of the genus Haworthia in the family Asphodelaceae, endemic to the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa.[1]




Plants are small and grow clumps of rosettes of thick, fleshy, light green leaves. As one of the soft green group of Haworthias it is frequently confused with its relatives (e.g. Haworthia cooperi which shares a similar distribution range, as well as Haworthia mucronata and Haworthia marumiana to the west).


A distinctive feature is the soft, "boat-shaped" leaves ("cymbiformis" actually means "boat-shaped"). Its leaves are not recurved like the "retuse" Haworthias (e.g. Haworthia mirabilis or Haworthia retusa).


Another feature is that the leaves usually have transparent streaks around their tips. In the wild, the sun is very bright, and the plant grows mostly buried by sand with only these transparent tips above the ground.[2]


Distribution and habitat

The natural range of this species is roughly between Port Elizabeth and East London in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.


This range closely matches that of its relative, Haworthia cooperi. H. cymboformis grows on cliffs and H. cooperi grows on lowland plains.[3]


This is a summer rainfall region.[4]














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