학명 : Cassiope lycopodioides (Pall.) D. Don
분류 : 진달래과(Ericaceae)
일어명 : イワヒゲ(岩髭 콧수염 자)
국내 유통명 : 바위수염
학명 풀이
Cassiope : Named for Cassiopeia, the queen of Ethiopia & mother to Andromeda in Greek mythology
lycopodioides : Resembling Lycopodium(석송속)(from the Greek lukos, wolf; and podion, foot)
사진 : 2024.04.11 여주 황학산수목원
Cassiope lycopodioides (Pallas) D. Don, Edinburgh New Philos. J. 17: 158. 1834.
Andromedalycopodioides Pallas, Fl. Ross. 1(2): 55, plate 73, fig. 1. 1789; Cassiope lycopodioides subsp. cristapilosa Calder & Roy L. Taylor
Stems prostrate to weakly ascending, forming loose mats, hairy. Leaves not or somewhat imbricate, closely appressed to stem, not strongly 4-ranked; blade linear-lanceolate, abaxial groove absent, 2-3 × 0.5-1.2 mm, margins conspicuously scarious, curled hairs present at leaf tips (at least on young leaves), abaxial base and adaxial surface hairy. Flowers: sepals 1.5-2 mm, margins hyaline; petals connate for ca. 1/2 their lengths, tips recurved, corolla white, campanulate, 6-8 mm; stamens to 3 mm. Capsules ca. 3 mm.
Flowering Jun-Aug. Alpine rocky slopes and crevices; 100-2000 m; B.C.; Alaska, Wash.
Subspecies cristapilosa was based on a collection from the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. The only distinction that the authors drew between it and subsp. lycopodioides was that subsp. cristapilosa has one to three crisped apical hairs on the leaves. Their claim that subsp. lycopodioides has entirely glabrous leaves is not supported. All specimens of Cassiope lycopodioides that I have seen have curled hairs on the leaf apices of at least the young leaves. The hairs appear to be fugacious. However, subsp. cristapilosa does differ from subsp. lycopodioides in several features. It lacks the hyaline leaf margin as well as the adaxial surface and abaxial leaf base pubescence. In addition, the stems are thicker, and the pedicels and corollas are longer. This insular material warrants further investigation.
Wikipedia 설명
Cassiope lycopodioides, Haida Gwaii mountain-heather or clubmoss mountain heather, is a plant species native to North America.
It is found in southern Alaska, British Columbia, and the US State of Washington.
It is found on rocky slopes in arctic and alpine tundra at elevations up to 2000 m.[3] In Washington, it is reported only from King County.[4] The specific epithet "lycopodioides" refers to the plant's superficial resemblance to some species of clubmoss (Lycopodium sensu lato).
Cassiope lycopodioides subsp. cristapilosa, known only from the Haida Gwaii (formerly called the Queen Charlotte Islands), is recognized as a distinct taxon by some authorities[2][5] but not others.[3]
Cassiope lycopodioides is a perennial herb forming mats lying close to the ground. Leaves are narrow, up to 3 mm long, closely pressed against the stem. Flowers are white, bell-shaped, up to 20 mm across.[3][6][7][8][9][10]
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