학명 : Anemia mexicana Klotzsch
분류 : Anemiaceae
영어명 : Mexican flowering fern
물향기 수목원 안내 국명 : 멕시코국명
국표식 : 미등록
사진 : 2024.11.15 물향기수목원
Anemia mexicana Klotzsch, Linnaea. 18: 526. 1844.
Stems ca. 2 mm diam. Leaves partially dimorphic (sporangia limited to proximal pair of pinnae), (15--)22--45 × 8--16 cm. Petiole straw-colored, 1/2--2/3 length of leaf, ca. 1 mm wide, glabrate. Blade deltate-lanceolate, 1-pinnate, somewhat leathery. Pinnae 4--7 pairs, mostly alternate, lanceolate, base truncate, margins minutely serrulate, proximal margins often slightly excavate, apex acuminate, hirsute with minute white hairs to glabrous on abaxial surface, glabrous adaxially. Fertile pinnae usually taller than sterile blades. Spores with ridges parallel and closely placed. 2 n = 76.
Lightly shaded limestone outcrops of the Edwards Plateau; 400--500 m; Tex.; n Mexico.
Wikipedia 설명
Anemia mexicana, the Mexican flowering fern, is a fern species in the genus Anemia, sometimes called flowering ferns. It is native to much of Mexico and the Edwards Plateau and Trans-Pecos regions of Texas. The "flowers" are upright fertile fronds that can be mistaken for true flowers.[1][2]
The fronds of Anemia mexicana arise at intervals (rather than in a tight clump) from a horizontal rhizome about 2 millimeters (0.08 in) in diameter, covered with stiff, dark brown hairs. The fronds are upright and are, in total, 30 to 60 centimeters (10 to 20 in) long, occasionally as short as 15 centimeters (5.9 in). About half of that length is the stipe (the leaf stalk, below the blade), which is about 1 millimeter (0.04 in), hairless, and straw-colored.[3]
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