
Nepeta sp.

대효0617 2025. 1. 12. 05:57

Nepeta racemosa(추정)




학명 : Nepeta sp.

분류 : 꿀풀과( Lamiaceae)

사진 : 2024.10.21 황학산수목원



화질이 엉망이어 종 동정을 할 수 없다




Nepeta속 국생지 등록종


간장풀 Nepeta manchuriensis S.Moore

개박하 Nepeta cataria L.

개형개 Nepeta multifida L.

형개 Nepeta tenuifolia Benth.





Nepeta Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 570. 1753.

荆芥属 jing jie shu


Subshrubs or perennial or annual herbs, usually aromatic, occasionally gynomonoecious or gynodioecious. Verticillasters in spikes or opposite cymes in racemes or panicles; floral leaves bractlike; bracts narrow, shorter than to longer than flowers. Calyx (13-)15(-17)-veined, tubular or campanulate, slightly curved or straight, throat oblique or regular; limb 2-lipped or not; teeth 5, equal or unequal, subulate or narrowly lanceolate to oblong-triangular, apex acuminate to spiny-acuminate. Corolla 2-lipped; tube basally narrow, ± abruptly dilated into an ample throat; upper lip ± flat or concave, 2-lobed or emarginate; lower lip large, 3-lobed, with middle lobe larger, concave or ± flat, margin undulate or dentate; lateral lobes small, straight or reflexed, ovate to semicircular. Stamens 4, nearly parallel, glabrous, ascending under upper lip of corolla, posterior 2 longer than anterior, included or exserted, fertile; stamens of pistillate flowers rudimentary, included; anther cells 2, ellipsoid, divaricate, apex not confluent. Style exserted, apex subequally 2-cleft. Nutlets oblong-ovoid, ellipsoid, ovoid, or obovoid, adaxially slightly ribbed, smooth or warty.


About 250 species: temperate Asia, N Africa, and Europe, most abundant in the Mediterranean region and SW and C Asia; 42 species in China.

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