학명 : Syringa × chinensis Willd.
분류 : 물푸레나무과(Oleaceae)
국내 유통명 : 중국라일락
정식 등록 국명 : 아직 미등록
사진 : 2024.08.08 광릉수목원
* 안내 표지판에 품종명 ‘Lilac Sunday'로 되어 있다
Wikipedia 설명
Syringa × chinensis, the Chinese lilac or Rouen lilac, is a hybrid species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae.[1][2] It was supposedly first noticed growing in Rouen, France in 1777.[2] In spite of its specific and common names, it most probably originated in western Asia.[3] It is the result of a cross between Syringa vulgaris (common lilac : 라일락) and Syringa persica (Persian lilac).[3] A shrub or shrubby tree reaching 12 ft (4 m), it is hardy in USDA zones 3 to 7, and is recommended for borders, loose hedges, and foundations.[2]
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