

대효0617 2009. 8. 31. 21:52






요즘에는 두 종을 통합하는 추세라 한다 


학명: Thymus quinquecostatus Celak. (백리향)

섬백리향 학명은 Thymus quinquecostatus var. japonica Hara

분류: Lamiaceae

학명 풀이

Thymus : From the Greek word for smoke, fumigate(훈증하다)

quinquecostatus : Five ribbed

중국어명 : 地椒

동속의 다른 종:

흰백리향 - Thymus quinquecostatus for. albus Y.N.Lee


1. 백리향 


사진 : 오대산  자생식물원








아래 :2022.05.02 푸른수목원





아래: 2021.05.17 하늘공원



아래 것은 백리향 표찰을 달고 있지만 꽃색이 연하여 섬백리향인듯 싶다

암술머리는 2열한다 


꽃받침은 상악편이 3갈래로 삼각상 또는 피침형, 하악편이  2갈래로 송곳형이라 했으나 큰 차이는 별로 없는 듯이 보임







아래 것은 섬백리향(요즘은 백리향에 통합한다) 

수술은 4개로 2강웅예이다 








아래 : 2022.07.23 서울식물원


화관의 상순은 직립하고 요두이고 하순은 평개하여 3열한다 




백리향과 섬백리향의  비교

 백리향 꽃은 홍자색, 섬백리향 꽃은  연한 분홍색

섬백리향이 백리향보다 잎이 더 크고 줄기도 더 굵다.



Thymus Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 590. 1753.

百里香属 bai li xiang shu


Subshrubs with slender branches arising from usually short, sometimes stout, woody stems. Leaves entire or 1-3-serrulate. Verticillasters in dense capitula or spikes. Flowers pedicellate. Calyx tubular-campanulate to narrowly campanulate, 10-13-veined, 2-lipped, throat white hairy annulate; upper lip spreading or straight, 3-toothed, teeth triangular to lanceolate; lower lip 2-toothed, teeth subulate. Corolla tube included or exserted, 2-lipped; upper lip straight, emarginate; lower lip spreading, 3-lobed, lobes subequal or middle lobe longer. Stamens 4, separate; anterior 2 longer, exserted or included; anther cells 2, parallel or divaricate. Style apex 2-cleft; lobes subulate, equal or subequal. Nutlets ovoid or oblong, smooth.


Some botanists recognize 300-400 species in Africa, Europe, and temperate Asia; others have suggested that many of these species should be treated as infraspecific taxa of Thymus serpyllum Linnaeus. China has at least 11 species, mainly N of the Huang He. Some botanists (e.g., Kamelin) have recorded several additional species from China: T. dahuricus Sergievskaya, T. gobicus Tscherneva, and T. michaelis Kamelin & Budantzev (syn. T. mongolicus Klokov, 1954, non (Ronniger) Ronniger), all fairly widespread, plus T. petraeus Sergievskaya, (Xinjiang) and T. turczaninovii Sergievskaya, (Nei Mongol). We have not examined material of these species.


Klokov (Fl. U.S.S.R. 21: 471. 1954) reported that fertile hybrids are common in areas of overlap between some species.



Thymus quinquecostatus Celakovsky, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 39: 263. 1889.

地椒 di jiao


Stems obliquely ascending to subhorizontally spreading; vegetative shoots ± fewer than fertile branches, sparsely retrorse pilose; fertile branches numerous, crowded, 3-15 cm, erect to ascending, densely retrorse pilose below inflorescences, base sparsely fine pilose, internodes to 15, usually shorter than leaves. Leaves oblong-elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, rarely ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 0.7-1.3(-2) cm × 1.5-3(-8) mm, ± leathery, glabrous, densely glandular, base attenuate, margin entire, revolute, ciliate on lower half or only at base, apex obtuse to acute. Inflorescences capitate, sometimes oblong; floral leaves similar to stem leaves; bractlets usually deciduous. Pedicel to 4 mm. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 5-6 mm, base spreading pilose, apex glabrous; upper lip subequal to longer than lower lip, teeth lanceolate, to ca. 1/2 as long as lower lip, sometimes ciliate. Corolla 6.5-7 mm, tube shorter than calyx. Fl. Aug.


Gravelly areas, hills, riverbanks, rocky crevices, beaches, seashore dunes; 0-3500 m. Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi [Japan, Korea, Russia]






1.  Leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, generally less than 2 mm wide

    ...........................       var. asiaticus

1. Leaves oblong-elliptic to broadly ovate- lanceolate, more than 2 mm wide. (2)

    2.  Inflorescence rachis densely retrorse pilose;

         leaves oblong-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, (1.5-)2-3(-4.5) mm wide, lateral veins 2- (or 3)-paired

          ...................          var. quinquecostatus

   2.  Inflorescence rachis densely pilose;

        leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate, 4-5 mm wide, lateral veins 3- or 4-paired

        .....................         var. przewalskii




백리향 FOC 세밀화




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