양미역취(1) (검색표)
학명: Solidago serotina Aiton
이명: Solidago gigantea Aiton
분류: 국화과 (Compositae)
사진 : 한택식물원
아래 : 2022.10.05 푸른수목원
동속의 다른 종들:
나래미역취 Solidago virgaurea var. coreana Nakai
미국미역취 Solidago serotina Aiton
미역취 Solidago virgaurea subsp. asiatica Kitam. ex Hara var. asiatica
산미역취 Solidago virgaurea var. leiocarpa (Benth.) A.Gray
양미역취 Solidago altissima L.
울릉미역취 Solidago virgaurea subsp. gigantea (Nakai) Kitam. http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7807534 참조
미국미역취와 양미역취 비교
www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/abrahmsn/solidago/plantid.html 의 자료를 옮김
Solidago gigantea= Solidago serotina(tetraploid & diploid) 미국미역취 |
Solidago altissima (hexaploid) 양미역취 |
Habitat 서식지 |
Wet spots in open fields, meadows, ditches. Occasionally under shade of deciduous woods. 습한 곳 |
Most cosmopolitan of the three ploids in habitat preference, can grow side-by-side with other two but usually found by itself in very dry habitats (hillsides, roadbanks, backlogs, etc). 건조한 곳 |
Stem 줄기 |
Totally glabrous (smooth) from ground level up to inflorescence. Often with a waxy whitish bloom that gives the stem a pale blue or purple cast. Distinctive. 매끄럽다. 분백을 바른 것처럼 보이기도 한다. |
Entire stem is pubescent (hairy), usually with very short, almost granular-gritty hairs. Some forms, however, show a long, woolly pubescence similar to S. canadensis. Separate using leaf characteristics. 짧은 솜털이 있다 |
Leaves 잎 |
Very sharply serrate (with small toothed edge), always totally glabrous above. Usually smooth below, although some plants show pubescence on major leaf veins. 잎 가장자리는 날카로운 톱니. 잎면은 매끄럽다. 때로 엽맥에 털이 있는 경우도 있다. |
Shallowly serrate to subentire (almost no teeth); almost always smoother edged than leaves of S. canadensis, but highly variable. Usually very scabrous above and with pubescence over entire underside, not just on veins. Leaves tend to be more lanceolate (narrow) than S. canadensis. 잎의 톱니는 날카롭지 않고 전연에 가깝다. 표면은 매끄럽고 뒷면에는 솜털이 있으나 엽맥에는 없다 |
Flowers 개화 |
Not needed to identify this distinctive species. Bloom starts in very early July-early August. 개화 7-8월 초 |
Involucres tend to be large (> 3 mm), as do ray flowers. Inflorescences can sometimes be enormous. Bloom commences later, usually August. 8월 |
Remarks |
Easiest ploid to identify. To the south, it seems to be totally free of ball galls, but is a common host to the elliptical gall and occasional rosettes galls. In northern areas, such as New England and the upper midwest ball galls are common. Not rare, but never as plentiful as S. altissima. | Any plant in central PA with a ball gall is liable to be this species. Also host to elliptical, rosette, and various leaf galls. Can grow in amazingly barren ground, i.e., railroad embankments. Abundant. (자주 충영이 생김) |
2. 그림 1.
잎, 줄기 비교 Solidago gigantea - 미국미역취, Solidagi altissima -양미역취
그림 1 설명:
a) 양미역취 줄기 - 털 있다 b) 양미역취 잎 뒷면: 털 있다 pubescent (fuzzy),
c) 양미역취 근경 : 미국미역취에 비해 굵다
d) 미국미역취 줄기- 매끄럽다 (smooth and waxy) e) 미국미역취의 잎 뒷면 -매끄럽다(glaucous)
f) 미국미역취 근경- 양미역취와 비교해 가늘다
3. 그림 2
충영(gall) 비교
그림 2 설명: 양미역취 충영: 털 있다. 미국미역취 충영: 털 없다.