
세로티나벚나무(1)(귀룽나무와 세로티나벚나무 비교)

대효0617 2009. 11. 21. 12:36

학명:  Prunus serotina L.

분류: 장미과(Rosaceae)


참조할 곳:  http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7807771






아래는 물향기수목수목원에서 찍은 사진























아래: 2019.08.26 영종도 운서



















뒷면 중맥의 맥액에 털이 밀생한다























아래: 2019.09.11 아차산 생태공원








아래 : 2021.08.30 운서역





아래 : 2022.05.06 월미도














귀룽나무와 세로티나벚나무 비교 (FNA  검색표 참조함)


1.  엽연은 소둔거치로 내곡 또는 엽연에 압착한 느낌을 주는 거치;

     엽저는 좁은 쐐기 모양;  

     측맥은 15-30쌍;  잎 뒷면 측맥은 융기하지 않는다

     열매에 꽃받침이 숙존

     핵 표면은 평활

     ...........................................................     Prunus serotina 세로티나벚나무

1. 엽연은 소예거치로 거치가 경사 내지 개출:

    엽저는 넓은 쐐기 모양으로 대개 밑이 약간 파인 느낌을 준다;

   측맥은  6-18쌍; 잎 뒷면 측맥이 융기한다

   열매에 꽃받침은 조락하고 대신 화반만 남음

   핵 표면에 주름 있음  

.......................................................        Prunus padus 귀룽나무      


*  보충 :

대체로 세로티나벚나무 엽신은 길쭉하고 귀룽나무는 엽신 폭이 세로티나벚나무보다 넓다


Prunus padus
Prunus serotina
잎 윗면



설명 엽신이 대체로 넓다
엽저는 미약한 심저

엽매기 엽연 가까이에서 희미한 환주맥을 형성한다
잎 뒷면 주맥에 털이 없다 
수술이 짧다
소화경, 과경은 축에 대하여 경사한다 
핵에 주름이 있다
엽신은 대체로 좁다
엽저는 설저
환주맥은 보이지 않는다
잎 뒷면 주맥 옆에 갈색 털이 밀생한다 
수술이 길다
소화경, 과경이 축에 대하여 직각을 이룬다
핵은 매끈하다


기타 사진: 2021.08.30 운서



FNA 설명


Prunus serotina Ehrhart, Gartenkalender. 3: 285. 1784.

[name conserved]

Black or rum cherry, cerisier tardif ou d’automne, merisier

Shrubs or trees, not suckering, 40400 dm, not thorny. Twigs with terminal end buds, glabrous or hairy. Leaves deciduous; petiole 223(30) mm, glabrous or sparsely to densely hairy, usually glandular distally or at petiole-blade junction, glands 16; blade usually narrowly elliptic, oblong-elliptic, or obovate, sometimes lanceolate, rarely ovate, 213.5 × 1.16.5 cm, base cuneate to rounded, margins crenulate-serrulate to serrate, teeth ˂incurved or appressed˃, sharp or blunt, glandular or callus-tipped, apex usually acute to acuminate, sometimes obtuse, rounded to emarginate in var. alabamensis, ˂lateral veins 1530 per side, flush abaxially˃, abaxial surface usually densely hairy along midribs proximally, sometimes glabrous or sparsely hairy, adaxial glabrous. Inflorescences 1855(90)-flowered, racemes; central axes (25)35160 mm, ˂leafy at bases˃. Pedicels 110 mm, glabrous or hairy. Flowers blooming after leaf emergence; hypanthium cupulate, 1.53 mm, glabrous externally; sepals erect-spreading to reflexed, semicircular, 0.51.5 mm, margins usually entire, rarely glandular-toothed, ˂rarely ciliate˃, surfaces glabrous; petals white, obovate to suborbiculate, 24 mm; ovaries glabrous. Drupes dark purple to nearly black, globose, 510[25] mm, glabrous; ˂hypanthium persistent˃; mesocarps fleshy; stones subglobose, not flattened.

Varieties 4 (3 in the flora): North America, Mexico, Central America, South America; introduced in Europe.

Variety capuli (Cavanilles) Hatusima [subsp. capuli (Cavanilles) McVaugh] is known from Mexico (Chiapas, Jalisco, Distrito Federal, México, Puebla), Central America, and South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela). It is distinguished from var. serotina by lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate leaves with decurrent bases (versus elliptic to obovate with obtuse to cuneate bases) and a long (to 2 cm), thin (1 mm) petiole; inflorescences tend to be subtended by 3 or 4 leaves [versus 2 (or 3), reduced in size], with a rachis relatively longer (greater than 15 cm), thicker, and flexuous compared to other varieties, and shorter pedicels (35 mm versus 510 mm, in var. serotina).

The characters given in the key usually allow easy separation of Prunus serotina from P. virginiana; some specimens from Arizona and southern Utah are difficult to determine. In that area, it is not uncommon for the sepals of P. virginiana flowers to lack the glandular teeth that are common elsewhere and thus mimic those of P. serotina. Variety rufula has thicker leaves that are also much shinier on both surfaces than those of P. virginiana and shorter petioles (215 mm versus 427 mm).

Compounding the confusion with chokecherry is a nomenclatural conundrum in which the epithet virginiana has been used for both chokecherry (the next species) and for black cherry (this species). The status of the two names Prunus serotina and P. virginiana was discussed by K. N. Gandhi et al. (2009), who proposed the conservation of both names.

Of our native Prunus species only P. serotina grows large enough to produce commercial lumber, which is highly prized for its fine grain and rich, warm, reddish brown color.

종하분류군 검색표


1 Leaf blades elliptic to obovate, abaxial surfaces sparsely hairy, apices usually obtuse, rounded, or emarginate, sometimes abruptly acute or short-acuminate. 6b Prunus serotina var. alabamensis

+ Leaf blades usually elliptic, lanceolate, or oblong, rarely obovate or ovate, abaxial surfaces glabrous or midribs hairy, apices acute to acuminate (2)


2 (1) Leaf blades 413.5 cm, membranous or slightly leathery; petioles (7)1023(30) mm; e North America. 6a Prunus serotina var. serotina

+ Leaf blades 25.2(7.4) cm, leathery; petioles (2)410(15) mm; Arizona to w Texas. 6c Prunus serotina var.










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